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Outdated Hunting+ Incarnate V4.3

Many new features to a sort of 'forgotten' feature, hunting

  1. VarekRaith

    VarekRaith Phantasmal Quasar

    Ok, been playing around for awhile.
    How do you craft hunting rifles? I can't find them in any table.
  2. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Hmm interesting
    I shall look into it; if I indeed forgot to put in recipes keep an eye out foe an update
  3. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Wulf_Oman updated Hunting+ Incarnate with a new update entry:

    Fixed Rifles Being Uncraftable

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. VarekRaith

    VarekRaith Phantasmal Quasar

    Worked perfectly.
  5. River King

    River King Big Damn Hero

    Really like that hunting feels worth something since hunger isn't an issue for me.
  6. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Nor anyone, I'd assume. Unless someone modded that back in
  7. Lordareon

    Lordareon Void-Bound Voyager

    How do I craft the Plutonium/Uranium/Solarium Armor sets? Because I can't find it! And I've the snow infantary set
  8. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Yarn Spinner
    Lordareon likes this.
  9. Lordareon

    Lordareon Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok, now I found it...but to make the Plutonium Armor ser I need the Uranium Armor set. I don't know where I can craft it
  10. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Should get it if you craft/obtain regular snow infantry. If you still can't - I'll look into it Monday
    Lordareon likes this.
  11. Lordareon

    Lordareon Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah....so I obtain the regular snow infantry, but only add the Plutonium Armor set, not the Uranium. Not even when I use admn codes to get the snow infantry set the Uranium set add to craft
  12. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Hm I must have messed up the pickup recipes. I'll look into it soon (a day or two)
  13. Lordareon

    Lordareon Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok...thx man! Waiting for the update :kitten2:
  14. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

  15. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Quick question, will this work with the latest stable version of the game?
  16. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Sorry for the late reply, but that is unknown (unless someone has tested it) I was/still am on a sort of hiatus - may return completely soon though.


    Has anyone tested it with pleased giraffe since it updated?
  17. Alec01999

    Alec01999 Space Spelunker

    i keep running into this error:
    Fatal Exception caught: (StarException) An error occurred during loading: (ItemException) Duplicate item name 'feroziumbow' found
    even when i delete the ferozium bow files another just pops up.
    Can anyone help me figure this out?

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