Modding Help How to update mods for SMAPI 2.0

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. Pathoschild

    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

    @HaloSonic Unfortunately that mod isn't open-source, so I can't update it.
    • Atampy26

      Atampy26 Void-Bound Voyager

      I know Automate is a workaround for Farm Automation: Item Collector, but Automate doesn't have a system for moving items around, so can you update it? You did the last 2 times :)
      • Constance

        Constance Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Pathos is a bit too busy dealing with preparing SMAPI for the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.3 update (the beta version is coming around the end of this year, so SV modding is going to get reeeeeaal busy in the mean time). The earliest he could work on would be early 2018, after the update has release.

        That could change though.

        Currently I'm the one working on implementing a menu for the setting up pipe connection. I haven't got to connecting part since I need to refactor my codes and implement customizing features for organizing groups of machines/chests. But I'm dealing with stuff that I'm not familiar with or experience at, especially when it comes to UI logics and what a good typical code structure of menu system should look like (plus dealing with unfamiliar C# stuff), RL also has started to crept up.

        But I'll be coming back to working onto this side project near the end of this week, though. Hopefully after I get over this wall of learning experience, maybe... I can start coding the connecting part.

        Maybe. Pathos might blueball me again though and tell me what another great feature we could code in instead :p
        • Pathoschild

          Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

          @Atampy26 By moving items around, do you mean linking machines using paths? Would Automate be a suitable replacement if it chained machines together? For example, these casks would all be connected to the chest:

          I'd rather not maintain multiple mods that do the same thing. :)
          • Atampy26

            Atampy26 Void-Bound Voyager

            @Pathoschild Chaining machines would be great, but also linking things with wood paths.
            So in Farm Automation: Item Collector, you can move items from a chest into a machine by linking them with wood paths. For example, I have a system where I use paths to connect 6 junimo huts to a chest and then I use paths to connect to processing machines that are chained together like you said
            If you can add those into Automate, that would be great. But I understand how difficult it is to code mods, so if you can't, that's OK.
            • ViolentQuiche

              ViolentQuiche Void-Bound Voyager

              @Pathoschild Are you still (unofficially) maintaining the Better Sprinklers mod? It's the best at what it does!
              • Pathoschild

                Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                @Atampy26 I might add machine chaining in the next Automate release, but transport pipes (the Automate equivalent of Item Collector's wooden paths) will still come later. The upcoming release does add a readonly overlay which will eventually be used to edit pipes, though.

                @ViolentQuiche I updated Better Sprinklers unofficially, though I'm not actively maintaining it.
                  ViolentQuiche likes this.
                • Atampy26

                  Atampy26 Void-Bound Voyager

                • Avionne

                  Avionne Intergalactic Tourist

                  Hi! How do I fix this?

                    Attached Files:

                  • Pathoschild

                    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                    Hi @Avionne. That's a known issue with Custom Farm Types; you can downgrade SpaceCore to 1.0.2 for now to fix it.
                    • Avionne

                      Avionne Intergalactic Tourist

                    • Rinkore

                      Rinkore Space Spelunker

                      Hey, I was told to go update SMAPI to 2.0 and it still hasn't fixed the mod Skill Prestige by Alphablackwolf. On the stardew wiki's modding tab, it says that I should use the latest version of it, which I am, but it keeps hitting me with the error message: Skipped 1 mod; Skill Prestige because it doesn't have a manifest. Not entirely sure what that means, but the mod also doesn't work in SMAPI 1.15.4. Which is why I thought updating to 2.0 would fix it.

                      P.S. I'm downloading it into the Mods folder, not sure if I have to download anywhere else as it doesn't explicitly say where to place the mod.
                        Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
                      • Pathoschild

                        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                        Hi @Rinkore. The Skill Prestige download has two mod folders inside: SkillPrestige and SkillPrestigeCookingAdapter. Move both of those right under mods, and it should work. (If you don't use Cooking Skill, you can delete SkillPrestigeCookingAdapter.)
                        • Verne

                          Verne Astral Cartographer

                          @Pathoschild Forage at the Farm has been updated! :D

                          Are there any functioning alternatives to Happy Animals? I had heard that the vanilla behavior was fixed in 1.2, but I don't think it actually fully was :(
                          • Pathoschild

                            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                            @Verne Thanks! I updated the compatibility list for Forage at the Farm.

                            I'm not aware of any alternative to Happy Animals yet, though.
                            • Rinkore

                              Rinkore Space Spelunker

                              You just saved a life :D thanks for the help!!! Didn't realize that I had to do that lol.
                              • Koihime Nakamura

                                Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

                                Here is a compatibility update of Better Shipping Box.

                                  Attached Files:

                                  Pathoschild likes this.
                                • verogames

                                  verogames Space Hobo

                                  the chest label system/ chests anywhere mod is not listed as a work around on the original post, just letting you know to avoid futher confusion :D
                                    Damon丶墨雪尘 likes this.
                                  • Pathoschild

                                    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                                  • iceburg 333

                                    iceburg 333 Void-Bound Voyager

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