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RELEASED FrackinUniverse (Archive)

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by sayter, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Separating the FU worlds into their own stars might help distinguish them from the vanilla content, but then it makes them feel separate from the vanilla game. Several of the planets work very well orbiting vanilla stars, after all.
  2. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    That would be amazing, I would absolutely love to know when I'm stepping into FF territory and when I'm hunting in vanilla territory, it would make finding needed biomes(both FF and vanilla) so much easier and it would be a huge quality of life/play improvement.

    I wish I could help with playtesting and such. :(
  3. alexmepr

    alexmepr Void-Bound Voyager

    Make custom stars. black holes and strange stars would be nice. But keep FU worlds spawning in vanilla stars. If FU planets were only in custom stars it would break immersion. A list of custom stars that would be interesting to add.

    Wolf Rayet stars
    something like eta carinae.
    strange stars
    neutron stars
    brown dwarfs
    neutron stars

    These should be more rare than others star types except for brown dwarfs. Brown dwarfs should be as common as red dwarfs.
    sayter likes this.
  4. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I think Sayter already said there were enough varieties of star. Besides, there's Mysterious Stars and Prismatic Stars mods as well. (EDIT: Durr... didn't read the thread's past few replies before alexmepr's. I R Smert. Ignore this post)
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    oh id never totally remove them from the vanilla systems. But some would only spawn in FU star types, to make them less common overall.
    alexmepr likes this.
  6. Fleshdancer

    Fleshdancer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I thought as much. I just wanted to bring it to your attention anyhow. Keep up the good work.
  7. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    For instance, certian biomes work well with vanilla stars.

    Gentle - Ice Moon, Metallic Moon, Crystal Moon, Proto World, Rainforest

    Eccentric - Rainforest, Bog, Crystal Moon, Wasteland, Gelatinous, Primeval Forest

    Frozen - Ice Waste, Nitrogen Sea

    Fiery - Sulphuric, Infernus
    alexmepr likes this.
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

  9. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey. I've discovered something slightly weird in the FF biomes, and I don't know if it's intentional or not, but it my gut says "no." So I figured I'd report it.

    On the FF moon types (Crystal Moon/Frozen Moon), there's a particular type of sub-biome/minidungeon that spawns: an abandoned lunar base. However, I've noticed that the world spawning around these bases gets a little funky. In particular, large chunks of regular biome tend to spawn above them, as floating islands. These chunks tend to be very large, sometimes running the length of a significant portion of the base dungeon/biome. It feels a little weird, and it can make navigating the planet especially tricky. If you accidentally fall off what seems to be a normal chunk of biome, only to land on an "underground" moon base, the lack of background blocks makes getting back up difficult without building your way back up. On one such planet, I also experienced a weird glitch where falling off into one of these "underground" biomes caused my spawn point on that planet to change, but I sadly can't find the planet anymore where this happened and didn't think to report it until now.
  10. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    thats a dungeon issue. IT's a vanilla biome and was intended for asteroids. I intend to fix it.
  11. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Speaking of asteroids, given how the changes to the asteroid field biome crippled the Space Wreckage biome, any plans to save it, or will it be scrapped?
  12. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    both. the Wreck dungeon will be duped and reworked by me to serve the same purpose, but on planets
  13. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    So the debris field biome is gone now. Good to know. Do you have a list of biomes that will be added, or are you keeping that a secret?
  14. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    its not a secret, no. I'm simply not decided on all of them yet.

    Ice/Fire is a foregone conclusion. It's asked for more than any other one. So that one is up next. It's technically already in, but not activated yet.
  15. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Right. And you've still got my big list of suggestions from way earlier. Guess we'll see what you and I agree on in time. :)
  16. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    Whoa, whoa, whoa.....why was this mod and the Creative Mode Mod removed from the featured mods list? No mod deserves to be up there more than these two.
  17. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    They're on a random rotation, I think.
  18. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Creative Mode sucks in comparison to iLikeCheating, so maybe that is why?

    As for FU... not sure.
  19. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    They are no longer in the featured section at all, if you find them in their respective subsection they are no longer marked as featured.
    Even assuming that you liking that other mod for some reason was a reason.....iLikeCheating isn't featured so I don't see how it would be a reason for Creative Mode being removed......so there was no 1 for 1 trade there. iLikeCheating has some neat features but it's no replacement for the ability to spawn whatever I want and multiply things.....especially rare, uncraftable, hard to find blocks.....and sometimes you need thousands upon thousands of those.....can't be a creative mod replacement without the ability to do that.

    Plus Creative Mod has the enormous benefit of being compatible with other major mods.
  20. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Difference between Creative Mode and iLikeCheating is that Creative Mode is incompatible with vanilla multiplayer and iLikeCheating is not.

    Oh, and ILC has far better sorting.

    And that I even have to tell you this means you are just like all the other people who blindly fawn over Creative Mode when superior alternatives do exist.
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