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RELEASED Foodie's Furniture - More Farming Addon 1.1

An expanded cookbook!

  1. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

  2. MehPercy

    MehPercy Void-Bound Voyager

    You've officially made it into my pantheon of godly people

    Edit: The patch causes a fatal exception error for me, the game doesn't even open first. It might be some kind of incompatibility with my existing mods, though, so I'm fussing around with them.
    Just thought I'd let you know, though!

    (P.S. your mods are incredible and particularly this one is more or less something I've wanted to implement for a long time; my spaceship cafe can finally be a reality...)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    rare_candy_bracelet likes this.
  3. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    yes, f e a r m e. jk dude im not worthy of that praise tysm

    Do you think you could send me your log file? I might be able to diagnose.
  4. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

  5. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

  6. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

  7. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

  8. Pukitaki

    Pukitaki Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe I'm just an idiot, but how can I have both this and your base mod installed when both files have the same generic name?
  9. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    no worries my dude - i think I patched that in the latest update. if not, just head into the .metadata file and change the name - i'm pretty sure I fixed it, but if I didn't, i'll be sure to in a little bit
  10. Pukitaki

    Pukitaki Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, I actually mean the fact that both .pak files are just generically named "contents" and can't BOTH be in the Mods folder without renaming. What's up with that?
  11. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    oh shoot. usually i just do that for the Steam Workshop uploads bc... well that's what everyone else was doing and I didn't wanna mess anything up. Yeah, just go ahead and rename them to whatever. I'll be sure to rename the Forums uploads of the mods next update update.
    Pukitaki likes this.
  12. Pukitaki

    Pukitaki Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks man! I don't use the Workshop anymore because it's... well, it just doesn't work for me. So yeah...
  13. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    rare_candy_bracelet updated Foodie's Furniture - More Farming Addon with a new update entry:

    An Actual Update?!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    can u update this mod?

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