
Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by St Fonz, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Can I scape the sky with this elevator? Go thorugh my world? Touch another planet even???
    Or is it just, you know, and elevator...
  2. Dorsidwarf

    Dorsidwarf Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I mean that this idea is hardly seen on the forum, it frequently vanishes into the depths of Forumland
    BrutorDragon likes this.
  3. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

    Just an elevator.. Are you referring to some kind of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory elevator? :p
    XRiZUX and BrutorDragon like this.
  4. Black--snow

    Black--snow Cosmic Narwhal

    I do believe he is! xD

    Personally I love this idea, I hated using dumb stairs/platforms/ladders to get around vertically!
    fkjac likes this.
  5. Chimera

    Chimera Title Not Found

    Foreword: I know they have been suggested already, but I thought of a different way to utilize them!

    Elevator (n): A platform or an enclosure raised and lowered in a vertical shaft to transport people or freight.
    Without these miraculous machines, transportation throughout large buildings would be a nightmare. Why shouldn't we have them in the Space Age? Here's how I pictured them working: First, you would craft an elevator car. Then, you make a belt drive. You build a shaft for the elevator in your building, and put the belt drive on the ceiling of the top floor of the shaft. Next, you place the elevator car at the bottom floor, and put another belt drive on top of the car. But here's the catch: Rather than being in the background or foreground, they would be between the two, and facing you (The player). Therefore, the elevator could go through floors, and allow access to the elevator without blocking your path. The elevator would also pass over blocks in the background, keeping your building completely enclosed. And to enter the elevator, all you'd need to do is press the jump button or something. I dunno.
    Actually, there's not much I know. In fact, I could just be spouting tripe. Maybe I am.
    Anyway, let me know what you think.

    Actually, now that I think about it, this should be under 'Blocks and Crafting'. Oops.
    fkjac likes this.
  6. Active Link

    Active Link Master Astronaut

    You could forgo the between the background and foreground thing and just put elevators at the sides of buildings. This makes the mechanics a lot simpler and removes a possibility for "fatal" glitches/bugs. And if the wiring system is going to be as sophisticated as the devs have hinted (nothing has been confirmed except that it will be way better than Terraria's) I can see this being a possibility. Also, if you want the thread moved you should pm a mod or admin about it. Hope this helped.
  7. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

    Ublind likes this.
  8. ragingrhino

    ragingrhino Industrial Terraformer

    There have been only a few elevator suggestions threads, but they werent very descriptive into the mechanics. So i just thought i'd go ahead and make my own. This here, is a presentation on how i would imagine that they could implement elevators into Terraria Starbound.

    So, what is an elevator you say?
    "A platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people or things to different floors or levels."
    (Google on elevators)

    Why elevators?
    Because, except for teleporters, offer an easy (and cooler) way to move faster on vertical distances with the ease of a vehicle.

    But how are we gonna implement this?
    My vision on how this would work is simple.

    1. First you place 'elevator rails' in a vertical line where you want to have your elevator.
    2. Then you place 'elevator floor blocks' on every point where the elevator has to stop.
    3. Place the elevator (a 3 wide and 1 high block) on the rail.
    4. ???
    5. Profit

    Okay, that sounds reasonable. But how will the elevator work?
    Well, since this is a multiplayer game you would have to 'right click(?)' the elevator first to take control of it. The rest is fairly simple. Press 'up' to make it move upwards to the first 'elevator floor block' it touches and it will stop. Hold up to make it pass the floor and go to the next first station block. It would work the same when going down.

    For a slight idea, heres a video of the elevator in the resistance base of megaman zero:

    Be sure to skip to 0:30(or 1:00) if it doesnt do it by itself.

    Please also be sure to have a look at the file i have attached. I created a rough sketch of the idea to create a more or less visually presentation.

    Attached Files:

    fkjac and DNAY! like this.
  9. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

  10. ragingrhino

    ragingrhino Industrial Terraformer


    And i even triple checked to see if there wasnt any real thread about this. Guess i missed out on yours.
  11. Maixan

    Maixan Big Damn Hero

    i thunk this would be great! i always hated terraria because of its so called hell elevators that you had to work to use. so maybe the can have a keypad you click it gives you gui, and you type the floor you want.
  12. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    If elevators were added there would have to be elevator music.
    Maixan likes this.
  13. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    In Metroid, the elevators used glowing beams of energy that formed on a pad. They could go up or down based on your needs.
  14. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    That could work, I was only thinking of modern elevators at the time.
  15. Candide

    Candide Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If I'm going to have a mineshaft with an elevator in it, I'm going to want one of those old fashioned elevators with the metal cage doors.
    I also promote escalators. But not eels.
  16. Senego Trainz

    Senego Trainz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Since this is the more active thread i take the freedom to repeat myself. It would be better to merge the threads though.

    My concept is a simplification game-mechanics wise, as well as it pays tribute to the general scenario of interstellar space traveling. Mechanical elevators with cages and cables might look interesting and give some refrence to science fiction (Aliens, BladeRunner) but i certainly would not want to wait for elevator cabins to arrive and doors to open and platforms starting to move.. in the wrong direction. That is annoying in real life and especially in games.

    To make this a proper quote, i wrote:
    And to clarify my mockup, there are no rails, cabins, fixed entry/exit points.
    fkjac and St Fonz like this.
  17. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

    I like that idea. But, while that is a lot more practical, I would still like the option to use 'classic' elevators. Variety is key!
    fkjac likes this.
  18. Candide

    Candide Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah. Still gonna want my classic elevators.
  19. Ryukiroku

    Ryukiroku Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Full support for elevators <3
  20. Qader

    Qader Void-Bound Voyager

    Elevators Pleaz! :)

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