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Closed CURRENT WORK-AROUNDS (Try these if you're having issues!)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by mollygos, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. ScrappyOrc

    ScrappyOrc Big Damn Hero

    This worked for me (windows 8)! I am not sure if there is a way to include OpenSSL into the installer, but that might fix this issue for others that can't launch the game.
  2. NovastarX

    NovastarX Big Damn Hero

    I know from experience. :love: It's probably the graphics card though. A lot of people with Nvidia cards (like mine) are having trouble. :lolwut: The game has only been out for about a day, though. So patience, and I assume everything will work out eventually!
  3. DaBa

    DaBa Phantasmal Quasar

    I menaged to fix my framerate to smooth 60 by running starbound_opengl as well as setting in to run as admin. I also set Steam to run in admin mode and erased any compatibility setting it had turned on (I had steam running in vista compatble for some reason) worked like a charm.
    Illerhas likes this.
  4. Bailey

    Bailey Void-Bound Voyager

    I think I am seeing the same options, no multicore optimization.
  5. EazyMichael

    EazyMichael Intergalactic Tourist

    I am playing the game on an Integrated Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family. It is an old model but the game works fine. What about yours ?
  6. Duroth

    Duroth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I need to try this!

    I found an alternative solution, in case this doesn't work. But it's ugly, so so ugly...

    *Edit:* I tried it, and yep! Installing OpenSSL seems to have fixed the problem for me. Thanks! An alternative would be to delete the launcher.exe altogether. I could write down a little tutorial if it's any use, but again, it's an incredibly clunky, hacky, and above all, ugly way to try and fix it.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
  7. Kellins

    Kellins Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here I was so excited to get the game. At first, I had the problem of it being stuck on the chucklefish logo, I waited for 30 to 40 minutes thinking that it's been more than enough for it to load. Sadly, I forgot how much memory the starbound.exe file was using at the time. Later last night, the browser doesn't want to come up at all. I get the launcher just fine, but not the game screen. At that time, it was using 1,350,000 (rounding up) memory. Trying again today, it uses about 67,000. But I don't get the game screen for the chucklefish logo anymore.
    I'm using Windows XP service pack 3, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Duel, Core Processer 4600+, 2.41GHz. 3.00 GB of Ram

    If anything, the problem only got worse for me. So according to Steam, I "played" 2 hours, though really it's from a game that never comes up, or gets past the logo.

    frustrated, sure, patient, hope so, but mainly, hope this helps for any information.
  8. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Tell me...
  9. TheRealSupai

    TheRealSupai Big Damn Hero

    After the update today, I started receiving an error when launching Starbound from the launcher.
    From the log file:

    00407798 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/client/main.cpp:47)
    004DB891 (c:\SDL-1.2.15/./src/main/win32/SDL_win32_main.c:318)

    The pop-up error was similar. A removal using steam and reinstall did not work.
    To fix mine - I did the uninstall, then had to manually delete the "starbound.config" file from the ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound folder and then reinstalled.

    You may be able to fix it by only deleting the starbound.config file, but since my error is gone I can't test that.

    EDIT - forgot to mention, I did blow out my saves from under player as well. That might also have affected it.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
  10. DakkonMartel

    DakkonMartel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    windows 7 I get an erro screen that says :
    GraphicsException : Could not create a HAL device: Back buffer not supported/Hardware acceleration is not available. Back Buffer Format: 22

    and a few more lines of similar code. any ideas?
  11. Mawnstroe

    Mawnstroe Void-Bound Voyager

    It hangs on my screen, too, but if I click on it the program freezes but then starts after a few seconds. If I do nothing, it hangs there for minutes. I do NOT restart the program or anything, just click, it freezes, and then gets underway.
  12. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Bart is working on the logo glitch.
    But nothing is happening for me when I click the icon.I hope that somebody finds a solution for this soon.I want to play :(.
  13. helpfulllama

    helpfulllama Space Hobo

    I managed to get into the game after waiting a bit once the logo screen froze, but even though I don't have a nividia card I still get poor fps in the game, is there something I can do about this? Btw i have a radeon x1300/ x1550 series.
  14. Lagg

    Lagg Space Hobo

    Shouldn't start up crashes be highest priority? I still can't start the game...
  15. Konis

    Konis Big Damn Hero

  16. GodSponge

    GodSponge Void-Bound Voyager

  17. KarrsGoVroom

    KarrsGoVroom Astral Cartographer


    As listed on the store page for Starbound on Steam, the Minimum Requirement is Mac OSX 10.8. Anything below will not work. I'm trying to get an official confirmation from the devs as to whether or not there will be support for OSX 10.7.5 and below down the road, but no luck yet.
  18. Duroth

    Duroth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Honestly, try installing OpenSSL first. It worked for me. If that doesn't work out, go into the Starbound win32 folder (where starbound.exe is) and copy all .DLL files (copy, DO NOT MOVE) to the launcher/ directory. Choose not to overwrite anything, so it only places files there that did not exist yet. Most of them are useless, but the ones you do need will hopefully come along.
  19. Okram

    Okram Master Chief

    My game stops working and crashes after clicking on the character when im playing single player and my server doesnt run because it seems that the server doesnt find the port of my router
  20. Medenutcracka

    Medenutcracka Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am having massive FPS drops at large random gen areas, I have a gtx550 ti and Ive tried everything to fix. Any help?
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