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Server Help Cannot launch server (ChuckleFish)

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by HikaruSoul, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. HikaruSoul

    HikaruSoul Space Hobo

    I had a problem with launching starbound via steam cuz if I launch server it wasn't possible to launch the game aswell.
    But due to this thread
    I could launch the server from the game folder and launch the game via steam
    But when I tried to begin a new game I've had the error, saying:
    "Unable to start local server (UniverseServerExeption) Could not acquire lock for the universe directory"
    What's the problem? I thought that there's smth with my computer, but when my friend tried to host he had the same problem.
  2. HikaruSoul

    HikaruSoul Space Hobo

    it worked! thanks a lot ^_^

    Mod Edit: removed deleted quote
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2016
  3. sek069

    sek069 Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry i,m noob english then i can get it.How to do that? how to run form two separate

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2016
  4. I would have to totally disagree with you. One you don't need steam up to launch the game, and 2 it is steam not the game that would cause it so you can't run the game, and the server at the same time. I just opened the steam folder, launched my starbound, launched the server from the same folder, and was easily able to connect to it with my local ip address.

    Starbound has no steam embedded exe that forces you to have steam open to run it.

    Mod edit: removed deleted quote
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2016

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