Can be closed , new clear topic here , thx Hello i wanna ask how to be able to repak a texture without making an asset who will overwrite everything else , for example if i change a skin for a crafting table of cours first i need to change the skin , then after that how can make it as a mod ? I need to repak all or we have a way to make it as a mod ? I know we have many tutorial on our forum but like its english only its hard to handle properly for me , i've already find the location of what i want to change , and make new sprite and i only need help for finish the work (its for things like floran ship furniture green instead of pink (cuz many people dont very like it) or remake some texture for "fix" some missing furniture for some race (for ex a medieval fridge) because we need them). Thx a lot if someone can help me a little , or give me a little example or a video showing how too (even in english in this case i can understand even without listening), i've check on youtube but they are all outdated , and when i see how modder work for the community i want help too but at the moment i can't finish that :/ Edit , i've add some picture for show you what kind of thing i change (the fridge thing is a "test" for see if the skin medieval is on the white paint only or not , but as i've said above , i can't finish my work alone so i can't try it) Edit : Now i only need help for show texture on both face (it only work when right placed) , but when left placed it show "old" texture instead of mine (Same item in both direction) The problem may from from the name of file "fridgeright" you think we have a "fridgeleft" somewhere else ? (i doubt) or a setting somewhere for say the to game something like "use that in both side" (imo it's that) , maybe in .frames but i'm not about modify this kind of files.
This should be of some help. Keep in mind you'll need to have placed the textures in the right locations for them to work. Though taking a look at the unpacked assets of the vanilla game or a mod depending on what it has should help you figure that out.
Infact i've use this tutorial for unpack and find thing to change , but its for finish , because basicly repack everything is like made a mod of the full game no ? i must admit i understand maybe 1/4 of the tutorial because i'm not english , i've even open a topic for know if we didnt have a other language part on the forum but i didnt get answer (and i think its no) , i can make sprite really quick but after that i'm stuck since 2 days. Edit : but yeah before ask you on your own topic , i've ask help on this topic (tutorial topic i mean) , created 2 , and refresh so many time i can't count for check alert lol I'll try with a video , posted 2 years ago but maybe its still the same thing , or maybe not but maybe enought for teach me how. (but auto-translate is horrible) Edit 2 : Ok infact the only ineresting part for me was at 7:00 and he skipped it =_=
You don't need to repack everything, just whatever you've changed. Put whatever you changed into its own folder and go from there.
So for example the fridge , from wiki it say the path is "assets\objects\human\fridge" , so infact i only need 1 folder called "assets" with inside 1 folder called "objects" with inside 1 folder called "human" then finally inside 1 folder called "fridge" with inside only the .png i've changed and it's ok ?
OK i've try but i dont use the code preperly , i think the last thing isnt good i've try "test" and "test.pak" for maybe create it but too much argument. Edit i've fix a double space in the code but its the same result.
You need to get rid of "assets\objects\human\fridge" You only need to give it the folder that contains the whole mod.
So it was "win32\asset_packer.exe" "fridge" "assets\objects\human\fridge" "test.pak" But if i remove the orange part it cant know if it must take fridge folder in "assets" or "unpackedassets" or custom folder i've add for my work no ? when i try without that it give me a Invalid file handle in dirList , on the scrren you can see my try before and after your last post.
Oh I see it, you put the contents of your mod in a folder called "assets" right? If that's the case then the command should be: "win32\asset_packer.exe" "assets" "test.pak"
So it was "win32\asset_packer.exe" "fridge" "assets\objects\human\fridge" "test.pak" But if i remove the orange part it cant know if it must take fridge folder in "assets" or "unpackedassets" or custom folder i've add for my work no ? when i try without that it give me a Invalid file handle in dirList , on the scrren you can see my try before and after your last post. (my modified picture in the UnpackedAsset\objects\human\fridge folder, but even with "win32\asset_packer.exe" "fridge" "UnpackedAssets\objects\human\fridge" "test.pak" it don't work Edit ok afetr reading you very last post i've try "win32\asset_packer.exe" "UnpackedAssets" "test.pak" And i think its ok now , i need to find how to change color of the fridge now xD , i'll repalce the defaut skin. Edit 2 : It dont seem to work in game but atleast i've repak it , so Thx you very much ^^ i'll try to investigate on the problem , but atleast this one is solved thx.
You should keep the files you edit separate from the originals, that way when it's all packed it won't overwrite anything from other mods you didn't intend to.
Infact i've totally clean (except fridge) my UnpackedAsset (after put my work somewhere else) , but yeah next time i need to change something i'll need to unpack the game again , but its only the start so yes atm its a mess lol. My new problem must come from a .frames maybe ? i've see i need somethings like xscope but its a free trial , i think see that tomorrow like its already 3 am here. I upload my .pak here , we never know maybe someone who search something to do will find a noob mistake in it lol , but aleast i can pak now so its already better than these 2 past days. Good night if you go soon idk your timeline , i'll continue that tommorow. I can post it as file here cuz it dont have an allowed extension , i've use mega if someone want check something :!eVZHzQbC!X--Wyc7z24-FgXI4XuW0fCyu4jcbS6wuMDTWQtwZSBI it must change that , at the begning it was planned to be show only when paint in white , so i've change only the last skin , but infact like i havent find how to paint item i've repalce the defaut fridge skin (the first at the top) its why my skin it at the top and at the bottom , but idk why it's still white in game , Anyways GN i'll see that tommorow.
That is wrong - that was the old method for packing. The new code is Code: "location of packer" "location of folder to pack" "where to place it" Example Code: "c:\ex\asset_packer.exe" "c:\ex\mod" "c:\ex\test.pak"
Ok i've try something like "d:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Starbound\asset_packer.exe" "d:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Starbound\UnpackedAssets" "d:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Starbound\test2.pak" but don't recognise it as intern command or external or exe program or command file. So i've try (in the case or "ex" was a shortcut in your code) "d:\ex\asset_packer.exe" "d:\ex\mod" "d:\ex\test.pak" but it don't find the path. It's "funny" how it's a pain just for replace a picture with the same size , same name , only pixel color changed xD Can't we have game file in .swf file ? i've find how to modify them in another game and it work when i do change on it (and it's an online game only) , but this thing with command i don't get it i've always think it was easier to modify an offline game than an online , but i was wrong lol.
According to the error log - you did not write it properly. Are you using it through a batch file? Otherwise use a 3rd party tool like Mod Pack Helper. Click on the "Tools" tag on the top of the modding forum.
You mean a .bat we make ourself in text for execut a command ? nop , i see what you mean but i didnt make anything nor use any .bat for pack. Ths strange thing is the "old" command like work (atleast it pack) but not the "mod" given. Anyway I'll check about the tool , i'll give news ASAP , thx for your reply. Edit : infact i retry the "old" and it work , idk why it work now and not before but it work ^^ Edit 2 : Ok infact it work since the begning , but ONLY when placed in a way (i mean you know face to right or face to left when placing it) This is the same item (fridge) placed twice , looking each others So yes it work but half , but it work (about package). Like the title still suit to the problem i stay on this topic even if the main problem look solved now. The problem may from from the name of file "fridgeright" you think we have a "fridgeleft" somewhere else ? (i doubt) or a setting somewhere for say the to game something like "use that in both side" (imo it's that) , maybe in .frames but i'm not about modify this kind of files. (edit also i've made a mod for green floran ship item but it dont work , with every step ok , idk why)!HFYCFbyZ!uUUY0APuCaU-9NwUPaRO9xuAD8-u_GXAk4p1uVhj2AI
Ok after some research i've see the unpackage wasnt yeah fridgeleft was missing and some others files , so it explains some things xD