22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. TidbiT

    TidbiT Seal Broken

    I.S.E mod OR Starfoundry (Not both)... Home defense mod, and the OKEA mod, maybe named differently so it's not so gimmicky
  2. kurisu7885

    kurisu7885 Big Damn Hero

    Or at the least have it like in the mod, where you have to make a heater, then a survival system, then install a light, then combine it and the heater to get the final product.
  3. kurisu7885

    kurisu7885 Big Damn Hero

    How would that ruin the lore? I get how they would need more of it but I don't get how it would ruin the current lore.
  4. StormWolf

    StormWolf Void-Bound Voyager

    I honestly think you should add in the automation and machinery mods. I mean seriously, we have FTL and diamond drills but nothing to move ore into a furnace without human intervention? Come on. I honestly think it could add a lot to the game, ships wouldn't have the staple decorations, furnace crafting table but instead could even have whole factories. And late game you could set up a persistant factory that mines even while you aren't there, THAT would be rad. While I have not used the starbound industtrial mods myself for the sake of multiplayer compatability (you need to find someway to prevent mod based items from being erased in MP) I have played the Minecraft mod it was based off of and looked at gameplay of it and it has some HUGE open ended possibilities, something a game like starbound thrives on. And if anyone is complaining that it's to high tech for starbound or something, you don't have to use it. Another issue might be griefers but they'll find a way to raise hell in anyway possible, hacks, cheats, glitches, etc.

    TL;DR: I want the automation and industrialization mods in starbound. Because they are cool and open ended.
  5. Yuni

    Yuni Phantasmal Quasar

    I would like, in order, with reasons....

    --Ammo overhaul MMN by Wurmheart:
    I like this because the sheer variety in ammo types makes guns far more viable and fun. It might need some balance tweaking, because as it stands, certain guns (like Assault Rifles) are VASTLY too strong, mowing down everything as soon as it walks on screen. But the variety of craftable (emphasis on craftable) ammo types makes guns both able to be made from materials, more fun to use, and having more variety in function. Like the ice grenade launcher that is essentially a giant caltrop layer, or the flare pistol that lights up caves but isn't very good for combat. Wurmheart has many entertaining, fun ideas in this one that makes guns... not useless anymore. In the current vanilla build of the game, I realize that if ranged weapons become too strong, you end up like Terraria where melee combat is inviable against anything other than weak monsters, but it's not helpful to make guns feel like I'm shooting BB's at my enemy either. I would also perhaps like actual ammunition, and not just energy for some of the weapons, but even the way Wurmheart does it is pretty damn fun. He even makes bows that are fun and useful to use, not just a couple bad ones!

    -- Persistant Farmables by JTE:
    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add a better way to farm! I hate how crops will only grow when you're on the planet with them, or above the surface if it's in your ship! The only way I can grow any reasonable amount of crops is if I turn my ship into a greenhouse, and while that was interesting, I don't want to always have to do it! Yes I'm a farmer. *puts on farming hat* But some way for crops to grow when you're not around (like timestamp checking) would vastly improve farming.

    -- Extended Saplings by debugman18:
    I like crystal trees. They're pretty, I want to grow them on my base, but they drop no saplings. To any artist, being able to plant any sapling is helpful, for prettying up your planet... and yes I understand oculemon trees being plantable means millions of oculemons, I'm sure there's a work around.

    -- Lossless Voxel Compression by Rayvenge:
    People have said this before. This is what I'm going to catch flakk for. I don't think the loss ratio for compressing voxels being MORE than dying is entertaining in the slightest. This has least priority for me, as it's one of the easiest things to mod out, but I never have any motivation to compress voxels with such an enormous loss ratio. I only even MADE the compressor at all once I installed his version, and I don't feel it fully defangs death.

    Terraria worked similarly, you could set it to just drop money on death, and put your money back in your piggy bank each time you warped home, yet death was still annoying. Dying against a boss meant you'd have to summon it again if your allies died too (especially with the recent patch lengthening respawn times while a boss was active), and you still have to make it home to compress your voxels... I suppose unless you carry the device WITH you, but you get the point. At least on the 'normal' setting, make it so voxels either don't lose pixels, or lose LESS. It could easily change with difficulty... or drop them onto the ground for others to pick up.

    The nice thing about voxels not having huge losses is I can pass voxels to my friends to move pixels around, like if they died and lost a bunch of theirs, I can give them some of mine to help out... but with such huge compression loss, that doesn't work because I lose even more than if I would have died in the process.

    -- More races/easier custom race modding:
    Without naming any of my specific races, custom races are fun. I like the racial variety, and have a number of them I would love to see cannonized, however I know quite well my favorite would never be cannonized, so I will not even attempt to suggest it. Edit: May I specifically suggest another mammalian race? A wolf or cat or kangaroo or koala or something. Something reptilian would similarly flesh it out, there's tons of dragon ideas out there... they could be based off of the vikings. Yes we have Apex, but they're practically the same species as humans, given we came from monkies. I'm not sure what to use for lore/species theme, but I'm not a modder and there's plenty of examples around.

    That covers what I'd like to see included. :) I might not agree with everyone, but this covers what I had in mind.
  6. TomdaGoat

    TomdaGoat Void-Bound Voyager

    Okea kiosks and dungeoneer dungeons are good I also lie the industriaal craft mod. :)
  7. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank


    well while im here are there any others you think i should add to the list i made =p
  8. Alvie

    Alvie Void-Bound Voyager

  9. SigmaMinus

    SigmaMinus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Invisible Clothes / Hide my Armor / Empress' New Clothes.

    That is all.
    Spaceman_Spiff likes this.
  10. Wolrajh

    Wolrajh Orbital Explorer

    Again, I'm against all race mods because they are just absolutely not needed and won't bring anything new to the game. The vanilla races aren't even fully developped yet ! I'd rather have Ocean biomes and Hylotl... huh, fishmen-themed dungeons/cities underwater than new races, even well done one.

    That said, I'd like to point out Stardoundry, Frakin'Flora, Horizontal Doors. An alternative way to transport water would be Liquid Extractor.
    I'd like to see machinery and overall science expanded upon in order to create a more sci-fi themed game. Being able to physically play with liquids and any kind of item transportation is godly - I can't wait to create my own underwater base complete, or acid traps ready to dissolve any monsters or ennemies stupid enough to approach my front door.

    I know most players prefer to set base in their ships, which is, imho, an issue. So let's just add a lot of stuff to do planetside !
  11. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    Tiy was last seen:
    Viewing resource Spacebound, 5 minutes ago
    this pleases dashie
  12. MoonLitBlaze

    MoonLitBlaze Big Damn Hero

  13. ElysianLegion

    ElysianLegion Orbital Explorer

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the Avali race mod. It has constant updates and works very well. The creators have also crafted the lore and back story for you should it be added.
  14. Octopaige

    Octopaige Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I posted earlier about the ship upgrades, and I'd like to continue from there after reading everything that's been posted:

    Again, silly things that I mentioned about making spaceships out of wood and glass- very unrealistic. Going back to the whole idea of "things that ruin Starbound"...

    New Races / Lore - Let's flesh out the current ones first, then the Devs can make the decision to add other races at the end, just prior to final release. The mods are basically done for now, but they don't actually ADD anything to the game, they're just sort of there. Also, Rise of the Hylotl, lore, etc. The Devs will make this. Treat that stuff as lovely fan fictions for now. Just leave them be. Also, Star Wars and stuff? This is Starbound, not Disneyworld. Don't give in to the temptation! We're supposed to be exploring this wonderful, new, different universe, not building it or making our own expectations!

    Perm Farms / Liquid movers / Other sh*t that wastes memory: Starbound is currently not capable of handling all that data efficiently. The Devs are better off coming up with their own coding solutions to this, rather than straight up throwing a mod in. Same goes with liquid movement, pipes, etc. Think of it this way: Do you want the MOD or the FEATURES, because these are two very VERY different things.

    OKEA: I love this mod, but again, not for the MOD, not for the kiosk, just purely for the pixels. I think if they were allowed to borrow the sprites from the mod or just straight up make their own content it would be great- finding furniture is part of the fun, the hunt, the adventure! I hoard a ton of stuff- WHY? Because they're all TROPHIES to me. I have SO MANY GOLDEN DUCKS. They're like, look, this is my status symbol. I have hundreds of these. Not because I just bought them off a little box. I FOUND THESE. It was so exciting for me when I found my first Apex village! Finding that.. fridge!! That beautiful, BEAUTIFUL FRIDGE. A real kitchen! Just incorporating the furniture into the generator would be nice. We don't need an OKEA Kiosk. You do not just get to order things from Space- as a solo player, the whole point is you're alone. You start off by yourself. There's no on-board communication device. The races all have different quarrels with one another. Having some weird external furniture ordering system is just a big drag to me. Again, the MOD or the FEATURES?

    Colourbound, invisible armour and whatnot are all fine, cosmetics, easy to introduce. The code's there, it doesn't infringe on anyone's game or rights. It's just there, fun, and easy!

    modder45089 likes this.
  15. Ms_Starbound

    Ms_Starbound Orbital Explorer

    -alien ships
    nuff said.
  16. Shadowbolt

    Shadowbolt Big Damn Hero

  17. Krado

    Krado Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There are so many mods to chose from !
    I'll keep the my (current) top 5 :

    LogicalRecipes (The hardcore version where you need to scan a item before you can craft it).
    ISE (Add a LOT of depth to the crafting)
    Persistent Farmables (Plants don't go in suspended state when you move away from them...)
    Unique Drills (More drill size and variety, for the builders and Miners out there !)
    Higher Hunting (Ain't it annoying that the hunting implements are missing higher tier versions ?)

    I feel like these mods have a lot of potential even as inspiration for new features.

    Keep up the good work !
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
  18. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

  19. geek85

    geek85 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    for me : Starfoundry! it's just an awesome mod!
  20. Aghork

    Aghork Scruffy Nerf-Herder

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