A WIP mod with idea heavily insired by Arsenal Codifier concept by DJFlare84. Also inspired by the now-dead Gun Assembler, but without changing parameters (yet).
Similar mod that's already up and kickin': Weapon Fusion Station.
Reassembles weapons, copying appearance and other things. For now works with randomly generated guns only.
Guns should be of the same type and rarity. You can't turn a pistol into a rifle. Also, the gun preserves its vanilla colors. Don't call it WIP for nuthin'
- Visual replication, either by weapon parts or full
When copying from an already modified weapon, modified visuals are copied. The gun preserves its original color.
Currently supports only randomly generated guns.
- Renaming (limited to 30 chars)
[Reassemble] - one button to rule them all.
- Recoloring (supports all vanilla clothing dyes, expandable)
Palettes for dyes are kept in a separate JSON file. Most dyes have several color variations to select from, to provide maximum compatibility.
- Changing element (uncommon or better weapons can't be physical due to limitations in SB, and for common weapons only secondary fire is changed)
- Copy firing sound from template
Firing sound will sound slightly different as the fire rates of two guns usually differ.
- Copy alternative firing mode from template
- Can revert any changes, restoring weapon to vanilla state
- Zoomable preview of your future gun (scale x1-x3, with x2 zoom by default)
- Small in-game error reports when you try to do something wrong
Original weapon is always removed when reassembling.
[Scan] does nothing (except posting nude florans in your log... and beeping if your weapon can't be reassembled). Two beep means something's terribly wrong with the slots. One beep means you're probably trying to make your Magnum into a rocket launcher. TOLD YA NOT TO DO IT PUNK?
Horrible UI is patented by me.
For those unfamiliar with GitHub, you need to download the .pak file in the root. It usually holds the latest build I consider stable enough to play. Drop the .pak into your mod folder.
You can also try "latest" version by downloading the repo as a pile of files and dropping it into a separate folder in your mods dir (obviously you won't need the PAK).
I strongly urge you to backup your saves before using the mod, especially the "latest" version (making regular backups is a good thing on its own). The worst thing the mod can do is break your favourite gun, and it's unlikely, but still, be careful.
TODO: See readme on GitHub
PS. Many thanks to all the kind folks from ##starbound-modding IRC. Special thanks to v6, Kawa and other fellas. Object art borrowed from Gunassembler mod and originally drawn by Djinn.
The vid is totally relevant.
Zombie License
If I (MelOzone) ever go missing for more than 6 months, anyone is allowed to maintain this mod.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Weapon Reassembler (WIP) 0.4beta
Change your gun's appearance
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- A Very Dangerous Clown (take two) Jun 7, 2017
- A Very Dangerous Clown Apr 30, 2017
- Elemental bump Apr 5, 2017