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Voided: Expansion Mod (WIP) 0.5.1

Extended Story, rethought from the ground up

  1. Release 0.3.0: The Toxic Wasteland

    Lunar Eye Gaming
    • Added the Toxic Wasteland biome (and all associated content)
    • Added objects to point the player toward Voltropolis in the core layer of the Voltage biome.

    • Removed the "Requires TerraLib" announcement.
    • Reworked the way Tech Chips unlock tech (not to be confused with the Tech Card, a vanilla item used to unlock tech upgrades).
    • Added grouping to the crafting recipes in the Ancient Fabricator
    • Updated the sprite of the ancientrocket projectile
    • Updated the sprite of the Ancient Fabricator (normal and broken variants)
    • Updated the sprite of the ancient laser bullet trail
    • Added sound effects to the parts of the Prison that move during its intro
    • Dying on the Strange Asteroid no longer results in the player losing items in survival mode
    • Updated the decorations in the Ancient Stronghold
    • The Ancient Fabricator and Ancient Furnace are now learned upon acquiring the Fabricator Core and Ancient Fragment items respectively
    • Nailgun Tesla Grenades only deal damage with the explosion.
    • Corrected one of the rooms in Voltropolis to actually use the Domestic Voltspitter instead of the regular Voltspitter
    • Increased drop rate of Ancient Fragments from the Prison
    • Changed the description of the Insulating EPP to use "the wearer" instead of "you"
    • The Railgun now has a visual and audio cue to indicate when it's charged
    • The Railgun no longer consumes energy if it fails to fire due to a tile obstruction.
    • [Book of Spirits] Added display titles for the Prison and Voltropolis Raider
    • Made the Handheld Ion Cannon a weapon obtainable from the Toxic Wasteland instead of a tier 6 weapon.

    • Fixed Prison's Watcher not despawning when the player dies
    • Fixed the Railgun's sparks still being present if it fails to fire due to tiles obstructing it
    • Fixed the Railgun still dealing damage when tiles obstruct it.
    • Fixed the Stronghold Watcher turning its flashlight back on even when it has been turned off.
    • Fixed the Prison's wall never appearing

    NOTE: This version requires TerraLib to function properly. See description for more info.
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