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Ui Scale 3 + Moved Quest icon/Tracker + Chat bubble Font 9 + Cursor Grey (For Starbound 1.0) v1.1.10

Scales and moves Ui and Chat bubble Font up one, to size 9. Makes cursor grey.

  1. Made some of the font go back to default 8. Added larger chat bubble font support

    It was causing to many issues and there was no reason anymore for ALL font to be increased. Chat bubbles still at Font 9 (Not much of a difference from 8, but I don't want it bigger)

    As a request I add another .pak file that is the whole mod plus. bigger chat bubble font (Font 11)
    Added as v1.1.10 + Chat bubble font 11.pak use this OR UiScaleMoveFontv1.1.10.pak not both

    No fix for cut scenes yet
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