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Ui Scale 3 + Moved Quest icon/Tracker + Chat bubble Font 9 + Cursor Grey (For Starbound 1.0) v1.1.10

Scales and moves Ui and Chat bubble Font up one, to size 9. Makes cursor grey.

  1. krokorex
    Version: v1.1.10
    A great mod for people with poor eyesight and/or good UI improvements for different monitor resolutions.
  2. totomasta123
    Version: v1.1.10
    Excellent! The game is finally playable without having to use a lower resolution (which renders the whole game blurry). The base game should include this mod.
  3. Clamtacos
    Version: v1.1.05
    Works as intended, though it doesn't increase all instances of small fonts such as in chat bubbles or during cut scenes.
    1. XDarkPhoenixX
      Author's Response
      Cutscenes no. But it does for the chat bubbles. Since they don't scale with Ui Font 9 is only a small difference. I tried 10 for just the bubbles, but I felt it was too big.. Need a 9.5 option lol.

      If you want to increase the font further for chat bubbles, just edit interface\windowconfig\chatbubbles.config.patch and rePack :)
  4. ghosteeeze
    Version: v1.1
    Works great!
  5. Drogean
    Version: v1.1
    absolutely must have. The vanilla UI is too friggen small at 1080p+ resolutions. This is like night and day on my big screen tv!
    1. XDarkPhoenixX
      Author's Response
      Hey thanks :). I didn't expect anyone to want it. But I figured I would share how I like my Ui.