Town Stone Floor (0.1)
This is a simple re-skin of the Flooring.xnb asset to make stone floors look similar to the stone floors in the town.
Comes in two flavours, XNB's for use with Entoarox's XnbLoader (or as a direct replacement to the Content folder), and one for Entoarox's SeasonalImmersion with different colours for each season.
Refer to the icon for the colour differences between each season.
If you're using the SeasonalImmersion or XnbLoader versions, you need them to be installed for this mod to work.
For the SeasonalImmersion version, copy the "SeasonalImmersion" folder straight into your "Mods" folder in the Stardew Valley install directory. Press yes to overwrite, and wala!
For XnbLoader (only one colour scheme at a time, manual change) version, choose the season's colour you'd like to use i.e. Fall, Spring, Summer, or Winter- open the folder, and copy the "XnbLoader" folder straight into your "Mods" folder in the Stardew Valley install directory. Press yes to overwrite, and wala!
For direct replacement (only one colour scheme at a time, manual change), choose the season's colour you'd like to use i.e. Fall, Spring, Summer, or Winter- open the folder and keep opening the folders inside until you find the "Flooring.xnb" file. Copy this file into "\Content\TerrainFeatures" in the Stardew Valley install directory. Press yes to overwrite, and wala!
Go to the folder you installed each file into and delete the Flooring.png and Flooring.xnb files respectively if you used the SeasonalImmersion or XnbLoader versions.. If you did direct replacement, you'll want to put your original file back, or if you didn't back it up, verify game cache in order to get it back.
Known Issues:
None at this time. If you find any, please report them here.
Not compatible with any other mod that replaces Flooring.xnb or in SeasonalImmersion's case replaces the Flooring.png files. One or the other will be replaced if you try to use others.
Feedback is welcome in any form.
Made by SuperElement
0.1 RELEASE: File uploaded.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Town Stone Floor 0.1
Changes the craftable stone floor to resemble the Town's stone floors, seasonal edition!