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Outdated Toast 1.0.1 [Spirited Giraffe]

Gentlemen, I present to you...toast.

  1. Setrilo
    Does this mod add toast?
    ABSOLUTELY NOT –– I dare not tamper with toast's celestial magnificence. Toast is already in Starbound, but the game lacks the proper way to create such a coveted manifestation. This mod simply allows a means with which to interact with toast––a medium, so to speak––known as the toaster.

    How can I possibly share in toast's magnificence?
    You can craft a toaster anywhere using 4 iron bars and 1 copper bar. Once you have it, it acts just like a campfire, except you put bread into it. Each piece of bread you toast yields two pieces of toast.

    Just remember the divine equation:
    Sacred Formula.png

    This is too much. How do I know toast is going to be okay with this?
    There is no way of knowing. Toast can be very unforgiving. In the event that toast tears a rift between all of space and time, summoning a destructive force so devastating and overwhelming that an intergalactic federation of the universe's most elite men, fish, birds, apes, plants, and robots could not possibly hope to stand against it, and the entire universe withers away into a pale nothingness, I would probably stop making toast.

    I'm just going to leave this here...

Recent Reviews

  1. DmDemon15
    Version: 1.0.1 [Spirited Giraffe]
    That Invader Zim moment crossed my mind right before I clicked on this mod. Simple mod, but I love it.
  2. burningleos
    Version: 1.0.1 [Spirited Giraffe]
    1. Setrilo
      Author's Response
      Tell you what, I'm not sure the Toasters are very pleased with that four star rating...
  3. Pyanfar
    Version: 1.0.1 [Spirited Giraffe]
    Oh yeh, TOAST! I love it! Only... I won't be eating it, I don't think... it's looking at me! IS IT JUDGING MEEEEE?!
  4. kjhdocter
    Version: 1.0.0 [Spirited Giraffe]
    I love this!
    Can i introduce this mode on Korea SB Community?
    They will love this mod!(I'll translate your introduction as Korean)
    Of Course, I'll reveal the source of mod and link too.
    1. Setrilo
  5. Deerdancer
    Version: 1.0.0 [Spirited Giraffe]
    Best mod. Srly.
  6. Toastlord101
    Version: 1.0.0 [Spirited Giraffe]
    10/10 would lord over again.
  7. That.Fellow.Dutch
    Version: 0.5
    Praise be to the Toast Gods!
  8. Gir554
    Version: 0.5
    The greatest thing since sliced bread. TOASTED bread! ALL BOW DOWN TO OUR NEW TOAST OVERLORDS.
  9. erisiah
    Version: 0.5
    This mod does exactly what it says - it takes bread, and makes toast. You can't get more perfect than that!
  10. goldcat99
    Version: 0.5
    perfect now my bases random junk does stuff!