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Outdated The Wings of Kluex v1.3

Avians will call you the reincarnation of Kluex with these!

  1. Update v1.1.2 - Minor Visual Changes

    Update Notes:
    +Changed appearance of Sacrificial Table
    +Changed filters of Sacrificial Table; Now only this mods items will appear
    +New crafting recipe for Sacrificial Table:
    • x1 Sacrificial Altar (Can be found in Avian Tombs, Good luck!)
    • x50 Temple Block
    • x100 Pixels
    +Changed Wing animation, now looks smoother and more natural
    +Fixed bug with Female Avians showing a black square at times with the wings

    If any other bugs are found, please post about them; Even though this mod is directed for Avians, we want all the races and players to enjoy them too!
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