The Phantasm
It is said that when a creature dies, their life energy, the source of their thoughts and memories, dissipates and join a collective known as the Flux. Within the Flux, countless thoughts and ideas are mixed, incorporeal and invisible to living creatures. Sometimes, desires of independence and individuality split themselves from the collective. Seeking existence, they bind their energy to a physical object, making them tangible, becoming what could be called a being. This is what is referred to as the Phantasm.
Newly born Phantasm awaken without clear memories but the general knowledge shared by all kinds of creatures, like language. As they are born from feelings of independence, they value their individuality above all else and despise the company of others. They act rude and use frightening imagery to push away other individuals. They travel the galaxy for their own benefit, be it profit of adventure.
About a year ago, I started working on a race mod. I got it to a playable state, however, I wasn't completely happy with the result, and with the game still being in beta, I eventually gave up on releasing it.
Now, as the game has reached 1.0, I decided to go back and finish up what I started. This is the result.
This mod contains:
- A new playable race
- 3 custom starting outfits
- 6 helmet styles
- 3 custom weapons available for each tier (same appearance)
- Custom armor for each tier (same appearance)
- Flashlight replacement
- Respawn animation
- Custom ship
- Custom pet
- Tenants and crewmembers
- Custom mech
The Phantasm armor is a bit different from the original one. As an energy-focused race, the armor provides more energy and less health. The leg armor also provides an unique stat boost : Reduction of energy regen delay.
The starting weapon, it is similar to a broadsword, however, it uses energy to fire a projectile that travels forward, hitting enemies in front. The damage of this weapon is divided 1/2th to the projectile and 1/2th to the slash.
A one-handed weapon that fires slow-moving, piercing projectiles.
A rifle that shoots a stream of white orbs. The explosion of the projectile can hit multiple enemies if they are close.
Light Rod
The Light Rod is the replacement of the flashlight. It summons an small light that slowly follows your cursor, allowing you to illuminate dark places.
The Phantasm ship appears complete from the start but some of the area are transparent. By upgrading the ship, it slowly reveals itself.
As with any other races, you need a character creator extender to be able to access custom races.
Future plans:
Currently I have no plans to make different armor for every tier. Armors are a lot of work and I'm not a artist by any means, so I prefer to leave it as it is for now.
- Different appearance for all weapon tier
- Themed furniture
- Phantasm houses
- Phantasm NPCs
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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The Phantasm 1.3
A race of ethereal ghost-like beings
Recent Updates
- Mechs Jun 10, 2017
- Small update Dec 17, 2016
- Respawn and tenants Aug 28, 2016