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The Orcana 1.4.3f

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

  1. B.1.1 - Ship pet

    It's here! the Orcana ship companion you've all been waiting for. Well, maybe not all of you, but it's here anyway. Say "hello" to the sea frog!
    I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback on this. Please post to the discussion thread with your comments.

    I also added an Orcana themed research station to the ship and made a few slight touch-ups to the some of the ship graphics to appease my pixel OCD. Nothing major.

    I have also changed my method for version numbering. a release of 1.0 is usually the final full release of a product, and since this is not complete I have decided to replace that leading "1" with a "B" representative of the mod's beta status.
    Oberic likes this.
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