I made some changes to some of my cursors artwork. I also fixed a couple of missing pixels on them as well.
I moved Navi to her own folder called Navi cursor v2. I also moved the Red Loftwing into a new folder named Loftwing cursor and put my new Blue Loftwing as the search cursor as its partner cursor.
How to Install (Please read carefully before asking any questions and rating this mod):
Extract all the .zip files contents to a directory of your choice (I put them on my desktop). Open the L3W's Cursor Pack folder and inside is two folders named Final Fantasy cursors and Zelda cursors. Choose which series you like and click on it. Inside the Final Fantasy cursor folder is the Boco Flocobo cursor. In the Zelda cursors folder is all the Zelda cursors I made like the Loftwing cursor. Pick one folder only. For example, Loftwing cursor folder then go to steam/steamapps/common/starbound/giraffe_storage/mods and place it in the mods folder. DO NOT install all of them at once.
Bugs/Other Issues:
If you have any issues or bugs with this mod let me know I will get back to you. Enjoy!
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Tatl Tael Cursor 0.7.1
Hey, Listen! Tatl Tael don't touch my ocarina pls.. (A Custom Cursor Mod)