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Outdated Sword Generator V.066A

For all of your randomly generated melee weapon needs.


    I accidentally the game for a little while, guys. However, someone suggested for I to put the Water Sword as a craftable weapon or was it the Bubble Sword so I just did the Water Sword. You'll be able to craft it up to Level 11. Thank you for staying with me for this long.
  2. The Big One

    Okay guys. So, I know I haven't been updating this mod like I should be but lemme explain:
    I had an idea for something AMAZING. The Multi-Furnace. You put in certain tokens representing the blade and the handle, right? You know what you get out? A weapon with the blade and handle of the tokens you put in. However, it's REALLY BUGGY and the only thing in there is an extremely horrible Multi-Furnace so use at your own risk (and by that, trying to access to UI menu will crash your game). But...
    dawnstorme likes this.
  3. Short Stop

    Uncommon Shortswords and regular Shortswords have been added!
  4. It keeps happening!!!

    So I changed the EYEBStoken recipe so that crashes stop and changed the devrecipe to something about lemons. The changes are in the changelog.
  5. Elemental Axes and Hammers

    Added Elemental Axes and Hammers and fixed some things I screwed over. AS WELL, vote on the new thing to be added in the next updated in the discussion thread, either legendary weapons/rare biome weapons or finish up the normal weapons/uncommontier2 weapons
  6. Whoops

    I forgot to add the token crafting recipes for the Eyeaxe tokens. I guess I got lazy but this update fixes that!
  7. Hold it! (Please read update description)

    This update was actually going to be in-bulk weapon crafting and shortswords but since there's an Asset2 Folder or something that I have no knowledge about... until that gets cleared up for me, this mod will be put on hold for the while. You can read the readme in the SwordGenerator folder for more information. HOWEVER, this does not mean I won't stop working on this, there'll be more updates for the mod but they may be incompatible. Again, if you do get it to work and there's still...
  8. Eyes of a Stranger

    Added common daggers and Eye Axes for crafting. I'm wondering if I should work on Shortswords and Elemental versions of the rest of the normal weapons or more of the legendary weapons. Leave your thoughts in the discussion thread.
  9. Don't get it Twisted

    I fixed the Level 1 Twisted Spear and added potentially elemental "tier 2" broadswords. Again, if you have any problems, feel free to message me.
  10. Whoops I screwed up on the Bonehammer Tokens

    Lemme get that for ya. Instead of being what they were supposed to be (boneboo), they're now Silver Ore for regular tokens and Platinum Ore for Specialty Tokens.