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Outdated Sword Generator V.066A

For all of your randomly generated melee weapon needs.

  1. ultrament2
    GOOD AFTERNOON! (If it is even afternoon where you live.)
    Right before your eyes is a mod based off of that Starbound Community user Chieron made (which you can find here: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/random-gun-crafting.466/ ). It uses a token system to craft weapons that would be randomly generated. The levels for these weapons span from 1 to 11, with Specialty Tokens being used for the levels 10 and 11. Levels 1 through 9 use the amount of tokens equal to the level you wish to produce, up to level 9. In order to produce these weapons, you put the amount of tokens you want of the weapon you wish to produce in a furnace and smelt them. It's pretty easy so you should be able to figure it out on your own If you have any complaints or comments, feel free to place them in the discussion thread or message me here, I'll make sure to answer them to the best of my ability, I check the community page at least once a day to see if the mods I'm watching have updated yet.
    Now, why would you need this mod? Some of us, like myself, like to make weapons and sell them to people. It's what we do. I enjoy doing it. If they have enough money to become more powerful as well as buy a weapon that looks cool, who should stop them? I know I shouldn't. As well, it allows you to make weapons for yourself to use. It presents itself in a way that says "Make me, make me!" because you know there's some rare weapons you haven't put your hands on yet! These weapons could be potentially more lethal than a large-meteor shotgun (those are quite lethal, please do not use one under any circumstances). Need proof of this mod in action, check the gifs! The gifs never lie!

    Gifs: http://imgur.com/qfk7uGl


    http://imgur.com/lKEgCyp This is you after you craft a weapon using this mod.

    As well, there are multiple more weapons being planned to being put in here, including the elemental ones and shields. So, please be patient and I'll get around to it so please enjoy this mod for whatever deviant reasons you come up with.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
    Mackinz, Chieron and Shock_Aeon like this.

Recent Updates

  2. The Big One
  3. Short Stop

Recent Reviews

  1. MagiTrini
    Version: V.066A
    Really great, going to patiently wait for the other weapons to be implemented!
  2. Kelyrrlith
    Version: V.066A
    Very nice mod, if the multi furnace really would working, you get over 9000 stars! :D
  3. Delta-Astrea
    Version: V0.65B
    10/10 Dio Brando keep up the good work
  4. Zanino
    Version: V0.65B
    Nice Mod. Could use some more features, but overall its great
  5. Leothemage
    Version: V0.60A
    Brando you're the best
  6. InevitableChoice
    Version: V0.45B
    Does what it says. Awesome job.