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Outdated Starter Mechs v 1.2

Start the game with the Mech Techs unlocked. Those baddies don't seem so tough now.

  1. PhoenixLink
    Starter Mechs Mod
    This Mod gives you the default Mechs in the beginning of the game. Mechs are vehicles used for combat and transportation. They are usually obtained in the later stages of the game. They are spawned by a Tech. This is what the human mech looks like:
    This is what the Apex Mech Looks like:

    I couldn't get .gifs for the Glitch and Avian mechs. Sorry.

    Yes, this may be counted as a cheat mod, but this is my first mod and I hope you enjoy it. I may improve it later on. To equip the tech, go to your ship. Use your ship module and select "tech". Then click the mech you want and click "lock in". Now, just press f anywhere and your mech will appear! I hope you enjoy this mod. Note: If you say something like this:

    Then I will ask why you even clicked on a mod titled "Starter Mechs" Please respect your fellow forum members.
    How to install

    Take the .zip you downloaded and extract it to your /mods folder in your Starbound directory. You need WinRAR or 7zip to download mods for Windows. Or, watch this video:

    I may make more mods!
    Yes, I may make more mods, but I have to nail down the coding for recipes and stuff. It would be really helpful if someone created a list with all the Item ID's in starbound in alphabetical order. Check out my latest mod Here: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/starter-techs-mod.1381/

    Have Fun! Note: If you find any glitches with my mod, please notify me. If possible, I would also like an explanation of how to fix it.

    Here are some modding guides I used to create this mod:


    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
    Starbound playa likes this.

Recent Updates

  1. Glitches Fixed!

Recent Reviews

  1. TheSpiderDungeon
    Version: v 1.2
    I hate this mod. It is a cheat mod and I want to do everything legit. You are a crappy modder. Never make a mod again.
    No, but in all seriousness, very nice job. I'm looking forward to using it!
  2. skulledrebel
    Version: v 1.2
    It was a lot of fun to play with, and surprisingly not as overpowered at the beginning of the game as I expected. You get a short burst of mech-time to use against the baddies so make it count!

    Wasn't able to find the "hoverbike" though, I'm really looking forward to that.
    1. PhoenixLink
      Author's Response
      Glad you enjoyed it. It turns out that there was something wrong with the hoverbike. I'm working on fixing that right now
  3. ropefish
    Version: v 1.2
    i like the idea, but i can't get the tech to show up anywhere :/
    1. PhoenixLink
      Author's Response
      You probably installed it wrong. Sorry.
  4. LegoRox12
    Version: v. Furious Koala
    1. PhoenixLink
      Author's Response
      Thank you. Please refer your friends!