In case you used this mod before, or even if you didn't, here are 2 important things:
The new udpate requires you to delete your universe folder completely. Your game will most likely crash if you don't.
Second, upon generating a new universe, be patient! There are criterias to be met for the starter-system, due to all biomes being available at all difficulty levels it WILL take a while (may take up to 10 minutes) to create a new universe.
THIS IS A ONE TIME THING! Once it's generated it will load normally.
Known compatibilities:
Important notice:
The new way SB+ will work is pretty simple - you choose what you get, instead of being forced to use everything. I made a whole list of things that I want to change or add (I read a lot of threads in the suggestion section).
So you'd sooner or later end up with features you don't want, but in case you don't want to lose other features of the mod, this system allows you to leave some things out.
Just unrar the downloaded package and copy the files you want to have into your "/giraffe_storage/mods" folder. Below is a description on which mod does what exactly.
SB+ Base (v1.1)
All biomes are now available within all threat levels
Adds threat level 6-10
Weapon balancement measures
Boosted chest spawnrate (0.001 -> 0.002) [only on surfaces, for reasons]
Diamonds refining value boosted (150 -> 350)
Adds new Ores
Adds new Crafting Tables
Adds new Refined Alloys
Adds a few questchanges regarding SB+ Custom Armors
Adds a new Suit, protection from any and every hazard.
Changed the starterquests, making intern stellar travel immediately available.
SB+ Backitems (v1.0)
Adds a custom glow to all vanilla backitems.
SB+ Outpost (v0.45)
Adds a new outpost, visit the Arc-Warpgate to learn more.
Adds some new quests (in the new outpost)
Adds three new devices, related to SB+ Armorchips
NOTE: Requires SB+ Base to work.
SB+ Mining (v0.8)
Adds new Mining Tools
Boosts vanilla mining tools a lot
NOTE: Requires SB+ Base to work.
SB+ Armorchips (v1.0)
Removes vanilla and SB+ custom armors.
Adds 3 Statbased Tier-Tokens
Adds Full Tier Tokens
Adds Ability Cards
Rebalances Tier-to-Basestat values
Adds 3 new crafting tables, required to experience this mod to it's fullest.
NOTE: Requires SB+ Base to work.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated Starbound+ Modkit <= Spirited5 Nyaa
Stretches the playtime and extends endgame.
Recent Updates
- Quest balance and SSS Compatibility May 14, 2015
- Minor Blueprint Fixes May 12, 2015
- Few things and stuffz. May 10, 2015