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Outdated Starbound Composer 0.8.6

Starbound Composer is an ABC editor/player/converter specifically designed for Starbound.

  1. Pick Yer Poison
    Pick Yer Poison
    Version: 0.8.3
    Very useful and highly functional.
  2. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: 0.8.2
    Meh...it won't let me place the notes...
    1. Lrns123
      Author's Response
      That is planned for a future update.
  3. chaos eater
    chaos eater
    Version: 0.8.2
    An awesome program, but when i put the song in starbound songs folder it didn't appear in the in-game music list. why?
    1. Lrns123
      Author's Response
      Make sure you place the ABC in the /assets/user/songs directory.
  4. Maccaroney
    Version: 0.8.1
    The program itself is really awesome. I've been practicing converting sheet music to .abc and i'm getting places. However, the problem comes when i tried to play it in Starbound. Nothing fit together anymore. I don't know what's wrong, it sounded perfect in the Composer.
    1. Lrns123
      Author's Response
      Could you send me a PM with more details?
  5. ishnooob
    Version: 0.8.1
    Been looking for an converter for a while. It is so nice. I finally got Binks' Sake from one piece in my starbound song folder
  6. Audiophillie
    Version: 0.8.0
    This is a godsend! Truly, very good work. This is gonna help so much!
  7. Natori
    Version: 0.8.0
    Exactly the thing I wanted to do, amazingly great, thank you.
  8. Crystan
    Version: 0.8.0
    Its really a outstanding tool, makings things almost too easy. ;)
  9. Ohgreat
    Version: 0.8.0
    It's the only mod I was waiting for !
    It works awesomely well and I can't thank you enough for doing it <3
  10. Seria-Myouna
    Version: 0.8.0
    Amazing. This has become very useful for me to plan out ensembles for various songs. Thank you!
  11. FormalRiceFarmr
    Version: 0.8.0
    Color me impressed. This is the perfect tool and I thank you with all my heart. Highly recommend this