This mod provides an overhaul in lighting, making ambient light darker and making all objects that cast light, also cast shadows. It doesn't change or add anything that requires a character or universe wipe, just patches objects with light!
This mod is known to cause performance issues! Do not install the main portion if you value your frames per second!
That said, you can still install the customizations without issue. They don't do anything too heavy, so they shouldn't affect performance much, if at all.
To install: Download the .zip file from this page. Open it, and put TanzLO-main.pak into your mods folder.
To install a customization, pick the corresponding .pak for the one you want. Only use one of each, or you probably won't get what you want.
Customizations can stand alone!
Don't want things like torches casting shadows and potentially lowering your performance? No problem! Simply don't install TanzLO-main.pak! The customizations will affect default lighting on their own, and don't depend on TanzLO-main.pak to function! c:
- Default - (Normal brightness for lighting. No additional customization required.)
- Medium - (Medium lighting brightness.) TanzLO-brightness-medium.pak
- Dark - (Lowest lighting brightness.) TanzLO-brightness-dark.pak
Ore glow
- Default - (Normal pass-through on solid blocks. No additional customization required.)
- Some pass - (Light still passes through solid blocks, but not as much.) TanzLO-passthrough-some.pak
- No pass - (Light does not pass through more than one block.)TanzLO-passthrough-none.pak
- Bright - (For people who just want to get what they need and get out of the ground.) TanzLO-oreglow-bright.pak
- Medium - (For people who still wan to see the ores, but don't want it quite so glaring.) TanzLO-oreglow-medium.pak
- Dark - (A subtle glow, for those who want to see ore, but not quite.) TanzLO-oreglow-dark.pak
- Bright aura - (Bright player aura, not as bright as having a lantern stick.) TanzLO-aura-bright.pak
- Normal - (Normal aura. No additional customization required.)
- Dark aura - (Dark player aura, for those who still want to see, but want to see less.) TanzLO-aura-dark.pak
- No aura - (No player aura. For those who want to lurk in the shadows.) TanzLO-aura-none.pak
- Monsters - (Monsters now disappear when cloaked in shadow!) TanzLO-monsters.pak
- Tanz Lighting Overhaul
- Oreglow - Bright
- Oreglow - Medium
- Oreglow - Dark
- Aura - Bright
- Aura - Dark
- Aura - None
- Passthrough - Some
- Passthrough - None
- Brightness - Medium
- Brightness - Dark
- Monsters!
I've done my best to cover everything, but if you:
Let me know in the discussion section.
- Find an object that does not cast shadows
- Find an object that doesn't cast light correctly (Example: A spotlight that casts a full circle instead of a beam.)
- Find an object that flashes red (or any color) when particles fly off
Also, if you enjoy this mod, please leave a rating. It will help me know what people like, and it makes me feel good to have made you happy. c:
Full album here:
With TanzLO-main
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Do not include this mod in compilations.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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[Starbound 1.0+] Tanz' Lighting Overhaul! 1.4.1
Overhauled lighting system with loads of customization!
Recent Updates
- Update for 2016-11-16 Nov 16, 2016
- Update for Starbound 1.0+ Aug 4, 2016
- Mod support Mar 3, 2016