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Outdated Star Trek: Danube Class Runabout (Starship) 1.0

A shuttle craft ship from Star Trek

  1. Tim_Katarn
    Star Trek: Danube Class Runabout

    This is the shuttlecraft that was popular on the TV show Star Trek: Deep Space 9.

    It will replace the vanilla ship on your character.


    The scale is 1 block = .333 meters. The ship is fully to scale.

    *Important* You must have the following mods installed to successfully generate this ship and all the objects seen within it.

    Required mods:

    StarTrekBound: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/startrekbound.1449/

    This is an EXCELLENT mod that adds the ability to add Star Trek items into the game. Required to generate ship!

    FullyCustomizableShips: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/fully-customizable-ship.39/

    This mod allows you to build your own starship in the same manner you would build a structure on a planet. Required to generate ship!

    Recommended Mods:

    Not a requirement but category appropriate.

    Star Trek The Next Generation Uniforms: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/star-trek-tng-uniform.84/


    It is recommended to create a new character though not required. This shipworld file will override your current ship so do not leave anything on your previous ship or it will be lost.

    New characters start at Step 1. Existing Characters start at step 2.

    Step 1: Load the game normally and create a character. Log into the world and claim your items in your ship locker. Save and quit. Close the game and the launcher.

    Step 2. Unpack the danube.zip file into your Starbound/player folder. Create a new folder in /player named backup. Move your characters shipworld file to the new back up folder. This allows you to revert back to your other ship if you decide to do so.

    Note: To make it easier to find the correct file sort files by date. The latest updated file will be the character you last played.

    Step 3: Profit????

    Step 4: Copy the name of the old shipworld file name and rename the danube.shipworld file to this name. Make sure this file is in the /player folder.

    Step 5: Load into the game and enjoy!

    Check out my other Star Trek Ship Mods!

    Nova Class Starship (USS Equinox)
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.