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Outdated Stained Glass Stained Glass vUG2.1

Making your world prettier!

  1. The Comma Update

    Fixes the crash due to a lacking comma in the player.config file. One of these days I'm going to shoot all these commas. *laughs*

    This mod uses Manganese, not Magnesium! Fixing OP for that after update.
    DeffreyJahmer likes this.
  2. Updated Stained Glass to v. UG2 for new patch from Feb 17

    Included updates:

    Fix Violium powder to work again
    Fix Solarium Stars to be made
    Update for new patch materials categories, thanks Snowpup!
    Minor fixes in syntax and such.
    Snowpup likes this.
  3. Quick fix

    Changed the name of my black glass to black stained glass so as not to conflict.
  4. Stained Glass 2.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)

    Updated the mod to Upbeat Giraffe. Got it working, yay!

    Let me know if you find any bugs, I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile, working on the other mod (Block builder), and then I'll work on content for either one. Gotta get em working first! :)

    DeffreyJahmer likes this.
  5. Stained Glass 1.02 hotfix!

    kicked ISE ores out of the party they crashed in the non-ISE version of the mod.

    Oops. :D
  6. Stained Glass + ISE Compat.

    Zip file now has two separate zip files inside.

    The one just labeled 'Stained Glass 1.0.2' is the normal version.

    The one labeled for ISE compatibility is just that - the whole mod, plus some added compatibility fixes for using the mod with Industrialization. Both ISE's ores and mine will spawn with this set of files.

    just pick the one you want, unzip it, and put the folder inside into your mods folder.
  7. Stained Glass 1.0.2 - now with screenshots!

    Fixed a few recipes by capitalizing the random items that are capitalized in vanilla (bars, etc). Fixed a few images not showing up.

    Took screenshots! :)
  8. Stained Glass

    Changed recipes to arrive with the tier that the resource appears on, thus making them appear properly in the crafting stations.

    Also got titanium bars from powder working, and the remaining dusts that weren't yet. >.>

    Waiting on screenies til I can get my character up in tier enough to actually HAVE all the colors so I can show them! But I will, promise.