Once again the explorer Sayter provides us with newly discovered substances and our engineering department eagerly stepped up to the challenge. Along with tightening up the seals to support the dispensing of Helium 3 our engineering staff have ensured that our Spigot and Spout line of products can also handle the other sample we were provided with. While we have no idea as to what this shadowy substance is, we can proudly say our product can dispense it. At this time we would also like to say that our Spout and Spigot line of products is certified for the safe dispensing of Honey and that contrary to certain baseless claims, the alien milk produced is chemically distinct from more traditionally acquired milk despite the results of aftermarket reprocessing. Enjoy your shadowy stuff and remember: We are not responsible if misuse of the Spout or Spigot products causes injury, death, or loss of ship. Use Spigots and Spouts responsibly!
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Spigot 2.8
The Infinite Liquid Generator