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Outdated SmartPet - Realistic Overhaul of the Pet System 1.9.6 | Enraged Koala

Smarter pet AI! Pet abilities! Teleport stuck pets! Force pets back to pods! Fainting pets! HP bars!

  1. Kirsten
    Version: 1.8 | Angry Koala
    It solves problems present with pets, and gives them a little boost in utility. Definitely recommended.
  2. gp2.eXe
    Version: 1.7.2 | Angry Koala
    Simply great, the amount of things this mod improves and adds over the vanilla pet experience is great. If you like having a companion that is actually useful to you, then this mod is a must.
  3. iVaporCraft
    Version: 1.7.2 | Angry Koala
    The added functions are amazing! Thank you for expanding my gaming experience. ^-^ (I don't give 5 stars, nothing is perfect, but this is near enough!) :3
  4. TinyTigers
    Version: 1.6 | Angry Koala
    First off, the mod is beautiful. Everything new looks great: The Healing Station has an awesome animation, and my personal favorite part is simply keeping your extra pets floating in the station. This mod is very high quality, and I'd love to see more of it in the future. One thing I'd like to see improved upon, however, is the actual fainting system. The current method of the pet fainting and requiring a station is great, but when a pet could easily die during a single fight, you could find yourself having to teleport over and over. While I don't want to see the station go, I can't think of a solution to this. The current system is fine, of course, and this is merely a suggestion. Another really exciting idea is the thought of possibly bigger capture pods more bigger monsters in the future! Regardless, it's looking awesome now, and it could only get better!
  5. YoshiXeros
    Version: 1.6 | Angry Koala
    I really like this mod, great until there are more features added to pets.
  6. oniya
    Version: 1.6 | Angry Koala
    work perfect ^^
  7. rayewilde
    Version: 1.3 | Angry Koala
    I'm still trying to figure out the whole pet thing. It just makes no sense to me 3: Like I cant catch them even with a ball.
  8. [S]miley
    Version: 1.1 | Angry Koala
    a very good mod and very useful if you have a pet and it always get stuck