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[SMAPI] Entoarox Framework 2.4.0

Makes stardew modding easier!

  1. Attempt to fix the greenhouse and logging changes

    I made some modifications to how greenhouse detection works, and this should now work as expected, if not, it should at least give me a place to look for problems.

    This version also includes a change in the DataLogger that enables data logged by the DataLogger to be logged in the SMAPI log -and- the DataLogger log, as previously it only logged into the DataLogger log file.
  2. Fixing a derp on my part

    Made a little derp when adding the config, that is fixed now, thanks to @Thaddel707 for reporting it!
  3. New stuffs!

    As of this version EntoFramework contains `TypeRegistry` to let you register new types for serialization, like ContentRegistry, registering your types through EntoFramework should work in both SMAPI and FarmHand, with the framework simply calling the required FarmHand code if FarmHand is used.

    This mod also now has a config file, where you can enable `DebugMode` to get extra console messages helpful in fixing stuff.

    I have also moved my greenhouse and lighting fixes out of...
    foghorn likes this.