Mod on Steam Workshop
Platform Hatches Compatibility Patch
A mod to add several new types of doors to the game! Racial scan descriptions and crafting recipes included. Send bug reports to Skyborg#6612 on Discord.
TO DO LIST:Code:Item ID List: sd<race>shipdoor <Race> Ship Door (1 block thick variant) sd<race>shiphatch <Race> Ship Hatch (1 block thick variant) sdancientdoor Ancient Door sddoor1 Generic Door sddoor2 Exquisite Door sddraindoor Valve/Piston (1x1, essentially a toggleable block) sdglassdoor Glass Lab Door sdhexagondoor1 Large Hexagonal Door sdhexagondoor2 Small Hexagonal Door sdlaserdoor Forcefield/Laser (DOES have touchdamage) sdprotectoratehatch Protectorate Ship Hatch (5x2) sdsecretdoor 1x5 Secret Door sdsecrettrapdoor 5x1 Secret Trapdoor sdshadowdoor Shadow Door
Stone Doors
Better Laser Door Animations
Horizontal Laser Door?
Piston gif made by GTG3000.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Sky's Doors 1.1 for Starbound 1.1
Adds several themed doors to the game, complete with crafting recipes and scan descriptions!