Please Note: There's a newer and more up-to-date Ship Yard spin-off available here, by bk3k. I've basically handed the reins of this project over, so I'd suggest taking a look at the new mod.
Do you like the ships provided by the developers and think they're beautiful artwork? Have you ever wanted a block-based ship, instead of the ships provided by the developers? Are you having trouble deciding which of these two options to choose from?
If you answered yes to these questions, then look no further. The Ship Yard mod provides you with both at the same time.
First, an old close-up on the human ship's airlock. It's largely the same, but the blocks used are now from the lunar base set.
The following screenshots are from v1.0.1.
Tier 0 with a Human tour guide:
Tier 1 with a Human tour guide:
Tier 2 with a Human tour guide:
Tiers 3-8 are largely the same, just with the docked ships upgrading like normal, so the next section is from Tier 8 with a human tour guide, showing off the various ships.
Now for something different. Here;s some screenshots of the Ship Yard cockpits/bridges for the other races.
What's This Mod Do?The basic idea of this mod is to cut a hole in the cockpit of the default ships to use as an airlock and provide a surrounding docking bay to house them in.
To start with, you'll find yourself in a corridor that's been violently ripped from a space station. As you progress through the earlier tiers it will be repaired by SAIL.
At Tier 3 (FTL drive repairs complete) the station will greatly expand to include a series of large docking bays, each with a Tier 3 ship docked inside. On top of this, the space surrounding the station will become available for building in. There's a series of exterior doors on the right hand side to assist in such an endeavor.
With each additional tier achieved, the docked ships will improve.
At Tier 8, the entire ship world becomes available to build in (at least 2000x2000, according to the Super Magic Custom Island).
Existing CharactersIf you want to give an existing character a Ship Yard, try the process described in this post.
Please note: I have not tested this yet. I'm going to hold off until this mod is much more complete to upgrade my existing characters. When I get to that point, I'll update these instructions.
Multiplayer SupportThis mod does work in multiplayer, but you must perform ship upgrades in single-player, unless the server has this mod installed, too.
Failure to heed this warning will result in your ship becoming an unmodded Starbound ship.
Reporting BugsPlease tell me about bugs in this thread.
Current Limitations and Known Issues
- Cutting away blocks from the corridors without replacing them will result in them reappearing on the next upgrade of the ship from one tier to another.
- I'm not sure how to fix this just yet.
- You cannot build in close proximity to the ship itself. The docking bay exterior marks the limit of where you can build around the ship.
- The main purpose of this is to prevent you from building something and then have it smashed by the game as the docked ship expands into the empty space.
- Updating from one tier to another, starting with the update to Tier 3 (FTL repairs) can take more time than one might expect.
- This is because the ship world is quite large.
- Loading the ship world takes about 8 seconds on my computer, as compared to about 2 for most other ships.
- Ship upgrades do not work in multiplayer unless the server has this mod installed.
- You'll end up with the regular Starbound ship on upgrade.
Future Plans
- Free up the docking bay space around Tier 8 ships for building.
- I've done some experiments with lower tier ships, just for fun, so it's definitely doable.
- I'll label this as version 2.0 when I get there.
- Add a shuttle bay with 1-2 Tier 3 ships as shuttles for each race.
- These will be open enough that you can walk on top of the shuttle's hull and build closely around it, if you like.
- Probably one bay per race.
- I'll label this as version 3.0 when I get there.
- Build an alternate version of the mod that starts you on the ship itself.
- This should allow seamless upgrades from pre-existing regular ships.
- Make all ship furniture 3D printable.
- Big project, but well worth it.
- Will probably have to assign some reasonable pixel costs to some of them.
Special ThanksThe Super Magic Custom Island mod inspired this one and provided me with the bare bones of a ship mod on which to build. Check it out; it's a cool mod in it's own right.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated Ship Yard 1.0.1 (Tiny Bug Fix)
Block-based space station with docked regular ships.
Recent Updates
- Tiny Bug Fixx Jun 23, 2015
- Ship Yard Now Implemented for All Races! Jun 23, 2015
- Teleporters on Every Docked Ship Jun 23, 2015