Allows you to sell any thrown item for pixels.
Price ranges from 15-25 pixels each
List of sellable items
- Hivebomb 20pix
- Snowball 15pix
- Snowflake shuriken 20pix
- Tarball 20pix
- Thorn Grenade 25pix
- Throwing axe 25pix
- Throwing Block 15pix
- Throwing Boulder 15pix
- Throwing Dagger 20pix
- Throwing Dart 15pix
- Ball of gnomes 15pix
- Throwing knife 25pix
- Throwing Kunai 25pix
- Throwing Spear 25pix
- Water Balloon 25pix
- Javelin 20pix
- Energy Javelin 25pix
The throwable items that are not on this list are already sellable in vanilla Starbound.
This mod should be client-side multiplayer compatible (Meaning this mod does not need to be installed on the server to work)
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Sellable Throwing items 1.1
Sell throwing items for pixels