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Project Redemption 9.9

A lore friendly misc content mod for Starbound

  1. misc update the nth

    3.0 update:
    -Impervium alloy
    -Impervium armor
    -an Impervium shield
    -New dialogue for Esther, Nuru, Koichi, and the Baron
    -Two new codices
    -a USCM remnant bunker dungeon

    NOTE: I changed the ids for the ancient sword, ancient mask and assault set for the sake of compatibility, apologies for the inconvenience
    -fixed the strange synergy between the protector's sphere and other protector's armor techs alongside some minor tweaks to them
    -removed augment support for the protector's armor set, moved it to an optional addon instead: https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/protectors-armor-augment-support.6001/
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