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Outdated Ponex Enraged Koala 1.9

A Pony Race for MLP Fans

  1. Endless Void
    Endless Void
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    To be honest, I love this mod. The back story is even pretty good in my opinion. My only problem with it is the fact that some of the hair colors do not work too well.( some are either a weird color or they look very bright/little contrast.) And on the though of other races, you could just make it to where unicorns start with a special tech. And about multiplayer, I don't have too much people that I know with starbound so that does not take a lot of effect on me. I can't wait to see where this mod goes.
  2. Saitaen
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    I love mlp and I love starbound, so this is pretty much the perfect mod for folk like myself. Take your time with the mod, this looks like it will be a difficult project as the game progresses.
  3. RandomRedMage
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    After looking it over I'll rate it as average for now, As a Brony, I Love the idea of bringing the ponies in. Backstory is.... creepy... [As a brony, I just have to say, I'd likely NOT be ponifying myself in any other way than a little OC pony drawing. lol]

    Some things to think about,
    Three Races - Earth, Pegasus, Unicon.
    Just so we can ya'know, use the pony type we like, giving them a bonus that suits each race, like the pegasus having a higher jump/less fall damage, and earth ponies, run/mine faster, and unicorns.... ok I haven't thought that far ahead, but you get the gist of it lol.

    Keep at it, I'll keep an eye on this.
    As far as Multiplayer is concerned, ignore those complaining about the face this only works if everyone has it, that's how most mods that ADD content/races are anyway. And if a group of ponyfolk wanna play starbound together, they re sure to bo coordinated enough to use the same mods at least. :D
  4. 2ndForm
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    This mod describes itself in its overview as being based in Bronie culture, my previous review was based upon this and the mod itself.

    It has been censored and my score removed it seems due to bias, as well as other reviews that did not broach the subject of Bronie at all.

    I do not feel this mod adds anything to the gameplay experience, do not understand why you would want to homogenise a game with colourful characters, species, and backstory into being something that does not mesh with the game. Thats my opinion and review of the mod.

    Not only this, but it breaks the multiplay aspect of the game unless the person running the server and everyone you are playing with is also running the mod.
    As such I think its pretty lacklustre in this respect also.

    If moderators on this forum are going to persist in pandering, and deleting 'reviews' they dont agree with, I would suggest replacing review sections with comments.
    Otherwise I see it as abuse of their moderation privileges, its not up to moderators to discern, pick and choose, what opinions merit discussion.
  5. Zams
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    Since my language was deemed too salty, i'll rephrase it.

    The backstory was unnecessary, but as far as creepy anthros go, this isn't really that bad(kangaru mod for example ==;). It's new and needs work as do all the mods. Changing other in-game sounds weren't necessary, but that was cool that you can do it I guess?

    And for what I meant before, the fanbase is really frowned upon, for good reason.
  6. ThetaShard
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    I really love this Mod. Tho I wish it could use the kimono clothing too. Also I noticed that the eye dose not close when sleeping. Small but maybe something to consider?
  7. RapidStrike
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    Bretty good mod

    + Pones are pretty cool, and people who are just giving this a negative review simply because "it doesn't fit the lore" or "bronies are creepy" are really buttfrustrated and need to learn to ignore things they don't like.
    + This new update fixed the mouth, and I am really glad.
    + It's cool that the character gets an oboe; it's even cooler that you even included pone music along with it.
    + Does the character NEIGH when it gets hit? Nice.
    - This update broke my old character's eyes, so I had to reset the game.
    - There was no need to replace the Chucklefish sound with "squee", but w/e
    - During sleeping, the eyes don't close.

  8. MischifMaker
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
  9. ArsenicWaffles
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    Excellent. And for all the people hating on this mod, its developer, and the community it was made for, I hope you realize you don't have to download and use this mod. Although I'm not sure what drove you to download it in the first place if you were just doing it to give bad reviews.
    1. Chandrak
      Author's Response
      I think its kind if funny actually. I dont know why they seem to think that it wiuld have any effect on me or the people who would want the mod. Because im pretty sure MLP fans are used to that crap by now.

      Made a the funnier because they had to download it, and now the NSA thinks theyre a closeted brony .... ;)
  10. misnamed
    Version: Indignant Koala 1.4
    Absolutely wonderful!
  11. logicfox1
    Version: 2013-12-12
    So cool!
  12. Mantisprayer
    Version: 2013-12-12
    It's really good man, and you're right, it still needs work.
    Looking forward for more cool mod from the starbound community :D

    oh and btw Flame6666
    Rule 63 = for every character, there exists an opposite gender (gender swap)
    Rule 34 = if something exists, there is porn of it.

    But you probably already realized that ;)
  13. Flame6666
    Version: 2013-12-12
    It's a alright mod so far, looking forward to a more complete version later.

    And to address 2ndForm and Johnny... I'll start with 2ndForm. Yes, the clop (pony porn) is disgusting, I think so too and a good amount of bronies share this opinion, but you have to realize that rule 63 (if it exists there is porn of it) effects ALL fandoms and everything else. There is nothing new about people wanting to making ponies sexy, personally I'd rather have that then people making porn of a anime about little girls (which there is a ton of).

    As for Johnny, don't group us all together. That's all really, I'll agree with you that there are some that let ponies take over their lives and personality, but there are a lot that just treat it as a hobby or just another show they like. I guess all I'm saying is don't group everyone together in a negative light based on the actions of a few... hundred, probably a lot more then that based on all the pony invasions but I'm sure you see my over all point.
  14. javelinnl
    Version: 2013-12-12
    Keep up the good work and pony on. The description is borderline creepy though ;)
  15. RobinHG
    Version: 2013-12-12
    :3 So Awsome ! Keep up the good Work!
  16. Eayn
    Version: 2013-12-12
    Very well done, moving along at a good pace, blinking and other animations are well-made, and the race well thought out. Still needs racial equipment/clothes and journal entries, but it seems like those will come in time.
  17. Rarity
    Version: 2013-12-12
    I have to say, it's one of the best pony mods I've seen so far. The job with the manes and styles are top notch and the ship is very unique and cool to use.

    There are some issues, though, that take away from the experience. For instance, there's no emoticon support and the characters can't close their eyes or blink in any way. This oversight makes the characters feel very plastic and soulless.

    The Ponies basically use the Human clothing, which fits for them. They unfortunately use the Human starting weapon and presumably the racial armor for the humans, as well. This isn't too hard to mod so that they can essentially use any armor sets in the game, if you wanted to mod that. Simply edit some files, and boom. You can have access to any starting weapons or armor... Even Floran if you want a savage pony.

    With emoticon support, this mod would be the best pony mod. The human style racial equipment fits enough that it doesn't need to be changed, but for a higher quality product, racial armors could be added. For now, I would work on the basics, like emoticons. Armor and weapons can come later.

    Other than missing quest text which isn't a huge issue, the mod works fine. If you don't mind your Ponies being unable to blink, you'll love this mod.

    - No Pegasi/Unicorn/Alicorn options - This isn't even a major issue, honestly, because it would require editing the entire body and adding alternative install folders for all the files. You could simply add them as folders within the main file Such as "Copy this folder for Pegasus Ponies, etc". This would be awkward on servers, because it would overwrite all ponies of that type on the server. Since it's a Cosmetic thing more than anything, it's probably fine to leave them as Earth Ponies, as it fits Starbound's design, but for those who are picky, you can consider it a feature to add later.

    - Some thoughts -

    Thank you for including a black colored skin option. Now I can make a Nightmarity /)^3^(\


    Some of the colors appear incorrectly in character creation. Perhaps a bug on my part or something?
    1. Chandrak
      Author's Response
      Its likely that the wierd colors are a result of so many color tracks. I'm still sort of working out how exactly I want all that to work, but generally the reason is that some hair colors are really only meant to be used with some styles. There's also one hairstyle in there that needs fixing because it makes almost all of them look wierd.

      With respect to wings/horns, that will probably end up being seperate races for those who would prefer something specific (likely all bundled as one mod, even if most of the resources will be redundant).

      Racial armor and stuff isnt in yet, but its planned. Same for quest text and stuff. Goes for the blinking and eating animations as well - gotta sort out eye colors/shapes first :)

      I have no idea what you mean about emoticons, because thats not something thats in Starbound?
  18. reho
    Version: 2013-12-12
    great job!
  19. Birdbrain
    Version: 2013-12-12
    3.5ish stars. No uni/peg/ali yet, as expected. Borrows Human resources. Weird ship, friends say it looks like 'spike as a gemstone' and I think it could be modified to fit the art style a bit more. Attempts to go to (non-ponex) servers fail as if you can't connect at all, rather than any visual breakage. I couldn't manage to get Starbound to work again after putting pack the original files, so having to reinstall. Hopefully the 'unused color' will be either Eye color or Hair Stripe color. Maybe a better name, since Ponex is very similar to Apex. Maybe 'Equestrian' or 'Ponyi' or something? When the game is officially out I'll really look forward to this mod being finished.
    1. Chandrak
      Author's Response
      Generally, any race mod that doesnt simply over-write an existing mod won't let you go to non-modded servers. There's no current way around this if you don't want to completely overwrite and existing race.
  20. Pharsti
    Version: 2013-12-12
    I should not be so pleased that this has already happened. But I am. I am so pleased.