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PBR Starbound Mod V2.1.05

liquids, weapons, tools, armor, instruments, ABC Music, Music Items, add your own music & many more.

  1. only a small update

    ok this version is almost the same as v1.9 but dew to the fact that i have started on making the balanced version i had to sort a few thing out 1st in this version, the main things you'll notice will be there is now PBR Ore which will spawn on any new world you go to, in this original version this ore has no real purpose except for fixing tools. plus there are a few new less op tools, but for the time being these are all using the same skin as it's original op version, i will update the pics for them on the main page when i gets around to tweaking there skins,
    oh and i have also added my own interface to all the PBR Crafting Stations and the PBR Vaults.
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