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PBR Starbound Mod V2.1.05

liquids, weapons, tools, armor, instruments, ABC Music, Music Items, add your own music & many more.

  1. New Weapons, Clothes, OP Undies, Confetti Machine, Dance Floor Lights and more

    Hi Hi everyone been a busy week for me but i still found time to make lots of new fun stuff for you to play with.

    Ok if you have added your own music to the PBR vinyls or the PBR Headphone you need to do one thing before you go and delete V2.0.8, go to the the "tracks" folder and move it out to somewhere safe like the desktop, then delete V2.0.8, then when you have un rar the new update v2.0.11 just replace the "tracks" folder back in where it meant to go. if you haven't added your own music yet don't worry about doing this just delete the old version and stick this new one in your mod folder. Please please and i can't say this enough do not overwrite the old version with this one only the "tracks" folder if you have added your own music already, as i make many changes each week to improve things that have already been made.

    Ok lets get down the the new stuff and some of the things which have been changed.

    PBR Liquid Guns which where missing there stats now have stats, YAY! I've tried to make them as close to the old stats they used to have.

    Also i have fixed a problem with the placement of the glitter and lava lamps (if you have any of these place you will have to go and pick them up after adding this update and re-place them.

    and i have done some core changes to certain things so just take a quick check about and make sure you aren't missing things if you are you have to craft and place them again.

    Dem NPC
    Dem NPC Outpost SS.png
    Finally got my NPC made, this is who you have to see in the outpost now to get the quests for the PBR Tech

    PBR Fishing Bow
    PBR Bow - Fishing Bow.png PBR Bow - Fishing Bow SS.png
    I've got the artwork done for this bow :D

    PBR Wooden Fairy Bow
    PBR Bow - Wooden Fairy Bow.png PBR Bow - Wooden Fairy Bow SS.png

    PBR Love Sword
    PBR Sword - Love Sword.png PBR Love Sword SS.png

    PBR Samurai Sword
    PBR Sword - Samuria Sword.png PBR Samuria Sword SS.png

    Two New Wings (Tech) Angel & Fallen Angel Wings
    PBR Tech Card - Angel Wings.png PBR Wings - Angel Wings Tech SS.png
    PBR Tech Card - Fallen Angel Wings.png PBR Wings - Fallen Angel Wings Tech SS.png

    PBR OP Undies
    PBR OP Undies SS.png PBR OP Undies - Chest.png PBR OP Undies - Pants 001.png PBR OP Undies - Pants 002.png PBR OP Undies - Pants 003.png PBR OP Undies - Pants 004.png PBR OP Undies - Pants 005.png
    I've made these so instead of having op stats on all my other clothing, from this update you will have to wear these if you want the OP stats. The chest part for females will add a bra but for men will just be blank, there are 5 different pants to choose from now all have the same health and energy boost but where they differ is in the run and jump boost stats, try them all out and see which suit your style of gaming the best :D

    PBR Fairy Dress
    PBR Fairy Dress 001 SS.png PBR Fairy Dress 002 SS.png PBR Fairy Dress 003 SS.png PBR Fairy Dress 004 SS.png PBR Fairy Dress 005 SS.png
    These are only for females even tho guys can were them if you's like lol! I've done this in a few different colours, but if anyone wants to request a certain colour feel free to do so.

    PBR Spaceship Dress
    PBR Spaceship Dress 001 SS.png PBR Spaceship Dress 002 SS.png
    Same goes for these as the PBR Fairy Dress, again anyone wants to request this in their favourite colour just get in touch with me.

    PBR Dance Floor Lights
    PBR DJ Lights 000 SS (GIF).gif
    PBR Dance Floor Light 001.png PBR Dance Floor Light 002.png PBR Dance Floor Light 003.png PBR Dance Floor Light 004.png PBR Dance Floor Light 005.png PBR Dance Floor Light 006.png PBR Dance Floor Light 007.png PBR Dance Floor Light 008.png PBR Dance Floor Light 009.png PBR Dance Floor Light 010.png PBR Dance Floor Light 011.png PBR Dance Floor Light 012.png PBR Dance Floor Light 013.png
    More Clubing gear lol now you can make up your own dance floor lights, these work great when hooked up to the new switches i have made which i will talk about next :D

    PBR Switch (Timer)
    PBR Switch Timer 1-32sec.png PBR Switch Timer 1-16sec.png PBR Switch Timer 1-8sec.png PBR Switch Timer 1-4sec.png PBR Switch Timer 1-2sec.png PBR Switch Timer 1sec.png
    These when place are active and switch on a off to the delays stated, you can also hook up a normal switch to these to turn them on and off manually

    PBR Confetti Machine
    PBR Confetti Machine SS.png PBR Confetti Machine.png
    This when switched on sprinkles confetti (can be found in the PBR Flight Case)

    PBR Fuel
    PBR Fuel.png
    Now you can fill up your ship with amazing PBR fuel

    PBR Drains
    PBR Drain 001.png PBR Drain 002.png PBR Drain 003.png
    Ok i had to make these a i keep flooding my house by mistake with my liquid guns lol (yes yes, silly me i shouldn't be playing with them indoors LOL!) these place to any background and can be switched on and off by a switch.

    PBR Wooden Planks
    PBR Wooden Planks.png
    Just another Building Mat made in colours i like best (colour can be changed by the colour tool)

    PBR Dirt
    PBR Dirt.png
    I added this last week but forgot to mention it, just dirt nothing special about it, you can grow crops in it just like you can any other dirt from starbound, it's just in a colour i like.

    PBR Paintball Guns
    PBR Paintball Gun 001.png PBR Paintball Gun 002.png PBR Paintball Gun 003.png PBR Paintball Gun 004.png PBR Paintball Gun 005.png PBR Paintball Gun 006.png PBR Paintball Gun 007.png PBR Paintball Gun 008.png PBR Paintball Gun 009.png PBR Paintball Gun 010.png PBR Paintball Gun 011.png
    These where a request from one of my testers as they and their friends wanted more colours made for these so they could have bigger paintball battles, these will do no harm to other player or monsters all they do is colour you the colour of the paintball that hits you for a limited time.

    and... that concludes all the new stuff, I hope you have fun with all the new items and i will see you's all next week with more new items :D
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