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Outdated PBR Starbound Mod (Balanced Version) V1.0b

liquids, weapons, tools, armor, instruments, ABC Music, Music Items, add your own music & many more.

  1. Alexandr3211
    Version: v1.0
    Um, on what tier planets can I expect the ore to spawn? Because I've been looking at a few Tier 1 planets for a while, and can't find any...
    Aside from that, according to what I have experienced from the Everything-Is-Already-Given-To-You mod, this is really terrific!
    1. Demise
      Author's Response
      you only don't get the ore on the the planet you start on, or any planet you have already been too before adding the mod, just go to a new world and when the game builds the world for you it'll add the PBR ore :D
  2. ninokung123
    Version: v1.0
    1. Demise
      Author's Response
  3. rickiprop
    Version: v1.0
    Niche i was waitin for thish c: dangs ill let you know if i get any thougt of any recipe, Thank youu for ur work.
    1. Demise
      Author's Response
      your very welcome glad your enjoying it, i have just got back from a busy week away from home so i'm hoping that this weekend i can find some time to start on some of the new recipes