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Outdated PB+J Mod v. 1.4 [Discontinued] 1.5.2

Grow peanuts and Berries and make PB+J!

  1. Mackinz
    Version: v1.3 Berries and PB+J
    Still a work in progress, but, by combining with Crysis, this mod will certainly get finished... one day.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Yep. without him it would have taken me such along time.
      I'm still not sure what else we are adding, but Gardenbot support is one thing
  2. Mackinz
    Version: 2014-03-16
    Aside from miscellaneous fixes that are needed in the files, and the lack of content stemming from being an initial release, this mod has potential.

    Looking forward to the addition (hopefully) of Strawberries, Blackberries, etc for jams and jellies, and PBJ sandwiches. :)

    Also, I think that the peanut crop needs some sprite work.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much!
      Yeah I agree about the crops. :/
  3. Vuldreg
    Version: 2014-03-16
    I had only one thought come to mind when i noticed this mod which was a house made of peanut butter jam and bread blocks, not sure if you'd be up to doing that sort of thing but it would be cool to see blocks made for that kind of building materials.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      As soon as I get it functioning properly i'd be more than glad to!
  4. Crysis
    Version: 2014-03-16
    Cool little mod. Haven't seen peanuts or peanut butter in any other mod. Only recommendation, Add GardenBot support as part of your mod.
    1. TheBigBlueSerpent
      Author's Response
      I hope to add that at some point, but it might be a while before I figure out how..