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Ore Plants+ Cheated [No longer maintained] 1.61.3

A cheated version of greenRAM's version. (Sorta like a mod of a mod...)

  1. Just a little more FU support

    Playing around with FU some more revealed that a few more items needed support.
    Also had to remove "support" from some items that no longer exists in FU.
    Sooo... YEah...
    Been a while since i did an update... Computer is MEGA crash happy - But as of this update will be getting a new computer VERY soon... So may go Bonkers doing more updates... Who knows...

    In the mean time, enjoy this update.

    Remember, until greenRAM updates 1.62 and fixes the current issues in his mod which has already been reported.
    Bug him to update if you want my version to keep up... In the mean time... i'll keep on working on my own version.
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