oblisks (obelisks)
"it adds oblisks."
1 tall oblisk (get using /admin and /spawnitem oblisktall1)
1 short oblisk (get using /admin and /spawnitem obliskshort1)
1. download the .rar file and extract it using either winrar (recommended) or your preferred extracting program thing.
2. inside the .rar file should be 1 pak file and 1 folder. the pak file is the compressed version of the mod, which loads faster but cannot be edited, and the folder is the unpacked, uncompressed version of the mod, which loads slower but can be edited.
3. choose either the compressed or the uncompressed version (choose 1, not both), and extract it in your mods folder.
4. (optional) if you chose the uncompressed version, edit it as you like (don't upload it without permission) and then run the game. (recommended: pack it using PAKit or the command line or anything you use)
Q: what the *beep*?
A: randy made me do it under the threat of manhunting squirrels.
Q: when's/what's the next update?
A: next update is what you request. ex: if you want a smaller oblisk, contact me and it'll be in the mod in the next 1-??? days or so.
Q: i made a change/addition/anything/something for the mod and i want it in the "official version".
A: send it to me (idk how), i'll check it out and, if it's good, i'll merge it with the "official" mod and credit you.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Oblisks (Obelisks) 1.1 for SB1.4+
Adds obelisks.