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Outdated No Battle Music 1.1b

Removes the intrusive battle music entirely.

  1. Lame, client.config does not support merging, so all changes undone, it works now.

    Sorry for the issues, apparently all config files EXCEPT for that one support merging, makes no sense but okay.
  2. Fixed crash issue, no longer crashes, my bad.

    It was as much as a comma somewhere where it shouldn't have been, fixed now, report any other problems asap so I can fix them!
  3. Merges with client config now, will no longer cause incompatibilities!

    I made this mod long ago just when I started, now that i know how to merge configuration I thought it would be nice to apply that on this one, because it's a rather popular mod/fix.

    Now it can co-exist with anything that changes the client config file, mods and updates alike!
  4. Updated for Enraged Koala

    Nothing has changed, just an update to the latest version, which is Enraged Koala