All weapons are custom-animated and craftable.
- 7 melee weapons for space knights
- 9 guns and bows for true rangers
- 4 staves for sci-fi wizards
- 3 other weapons
Damage shown on this images can be outdated!
Crystalline Spear [crystallinespear]
This spear has a high attack speed, low damage and can be used for sending enemies back. It's secondary is Crystal Wave that makes sharp crystals spawn on the ground.
Plasma Broadsword [plasmagreatsword]
It is a huge energy weapon with high damage and medium attack speed. Alt ability is slightly changed Rising Slash with another sfx and graphics.
Terra Blade [terrablade]
A legendary sword from Terraria adapted for Starbound. You can obtain it in Treasured Trophies.
Ion Rifle [futuristicrifle]
This sniper rifle is a cyberpunk-styled ranged weapon with Plasma Blast alternative ability providing high damage and explosion on reap.
Antique Pistol [goldengun]
A pistol made of gold and wood. It can be crafted very early, but it's not a bad weapon.
Energy Cell Pistol [goldengunenergy]
An endgame upgrade for Antique Pistol. High damage, medium velocity, one-handed weapon.
Charge Pistol [chargeshooter]
A chargeable one-handed pistol which can shoot multiple projectiles depending on charge time.
Cog Staff [cogstaff]
The first item in this mod. This steampunk-stiled staff's primary is spawning three exploding projectiles with high damage. Secondary is creating a portal to the planet's core.
Nature's Bane [naturesbane]
It's a floran-stiled magic weapon that can create a huge acid cloud or a portal to a toxic forest.
Ice Lord's Staff [icelordstaff]
A weapon made of ice in the coldest arctic plains. It's primary is spawning an ice saw for ripping enemies into parts. Alternative ability is creating a portal to ice plains.
Laser Dagger [laserdagger]
The only throwing weapon in this mod.
Alpha [alphadagger]
Very powerful and beautiful tier 6 dagger.
Stucked Legend Blade [stuckedlegendsword]
A requested weapon. This sword acts like a hammer because... well, it's heavy with a blade stucked in a stone.
Electrofury [electrofury]
A staff that can create an armed drone or a portal to a city.
Champion's Bow [floranbow]
This bow belonged to a champion of the Hunt. It's alt ability is pretty awesome, just try it out.
Master's Throw [masterboomerang]
It's just an uprgaded boomerang with better damage, speed and a custom pattern.
Sawed-off [sawedoff]
A one-handed shotgun. Very inaccurate!
Firestorm's Wrath [volcanoshortsword]
This one-handed variance of Firestorm's Fury doesn't look worse than original broadsword!
Aegisalt Grenade Launcher [aegisaltgl]
A tier 6 grenade launcher with powerful sticky plasma bombs.
Red Energy set
Next five weapons are crafted with Red Energy Catalysts. It's a very advanced component with really hard crafting recipe that you can make at an Atomic Furnace.
Dematerialisator [redplasmablade]
A plasma sword with narrow blade and alt ability similar to Flying Slash.
Destructurisator [redplasmabow]
A laser bow that can shoot explosive energy arrows.
Desynthesator [redplasmapistol]
A machine pistol with high fire rate and explosive bullets. When dual wielded can provide high DPS and some lags.
Deactivator [redplasmachakram]
This energy chakram hovers in air when thrown and explodes when hit the ground.
Laser Dagger [laserdagger]
The only throwing weapon in this mod.
Steam Workshop note: I won't put mods there at least because I don't even have a Steam account (I use GOG), but, if you want to, you can do this, just give me a credit with a link.
Also try MrPigeon's Halberds and my other mods!
- Weapons
- Weapons
- More weapons
- Weeaaapoooonss
- Really, what can I add to a weapon mod?
Don't forget to leave a review!
WARNING: The mod is not updated for Starbound v1.3! It means there can be some bugs.
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MrPigeon's Mythical Weaponry 1.3
A bunch of balanced custom-animated weapons
Recent Updates
- Plasma Awesomeness Feb 23, 2017
- One-handed Pain Jan 24, 2017
- More Things To Try Out Jan 8, 2017