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Outdated More Intro And Loading Themes 3.0.1

Your very own multi-themed Starbound!

  1. Dragonflyspectrum
    Version: 3.0.1
    The pictures only display for a few seconds, and the loading screen itself looks crudely drawn.
    1. Dat Guy
      Author's Response
      Which one were you talking about? If the MLG one, please look at my patch notes. By the way, the pictures only show as long as you load, so if you wanted to see them more, use more mods.
  2. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: 2.7.9
    This ought be implemented in vanilla...
  3. Mr Mishmish
    Mr Mishmish
    Version: 2.7.9
    I like the computer one :3
  4. Gikame
    Version: 0.2
    I like :3
    The first picture brings a bit more feeling into the game
    Just as a reason why you are in this position ^^