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MiniVillage 1.2a

Build your own Gnome colonies

  1. 1.2a hotfix

    Doctor Ragnarok
    - Added in the recipe for the bank and the recipe pickup to the gnome ball. My bad.
  2. 1.2 Gnomes make bank

    Doctor Ragnarok
    - Introducing the gnome bank! This building does not produce villagers but it does provide you with a tribute of pixels from time to time granted to you by the gnomes that you have saved and built homes for. Rejoice!

    - 2 Additional critters added to increase variation in both visual and audio. (More screams for you violent types)

    While the bank isn't quite what I had initially hoped for, I feel that in its current form it should be fine for now. You can place down as many as you'd like,...
  3. Compatability with the 1.1/1.1.1 Official patch.

    Doctor Ragnarok
    - Added Relocation and weather status effect fields to gnomescritter to coincide with the official patch, should fix crashes now.