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Outdated Medicinal Science 1.0

Make medicine, with SCIENCE!

  1. Poragon
    Table o' Contents
    1. Introduction
    2. Science Machine
    3. Materials
    4. Consumables
    5. Recipes

    • Materials
    • Consumables
    6. Installation

    1. Introduction

    Heyo Peeps!

    Now, I know some of you may be confused, with the introduction, then weird bold and that odd machine to the top right of me in the picture.

    Of course, this entire mod is about that machine. (for the most part)
    Now, let's get you introduced.

    THIS: [​IMG] ladies and gents, is your new best friend.
    It is, the SCIENCE-9000 O' MATIC.
    Or, as I call it, the science station.
    Now, you'd better prepare for some learning.

    2. The SCIENCE-9000 O' MATIC
    Seriously, call it the science station. Well, whatever you call it, this is the center of your new medical training. The science station comes with every bit and bob, dial and button you could ever want or need. It is here that you will craft the majority of the items in the mod, so you'd be best if you got along with it.

    3. Materials
    The good part. Now, the medicinal science mod adds just over a dozen new items, so you'd best study up on them here.

    [​IMG] - Biogoo
    That's little jar right there is what you will breathe, inject, and eat. A jar of random scienc-y? goo will create the best of medicines. With some refinement of course. This will make your tier 1 medical items.

    [​IMG] - Simple Chemicals
    Ah yes, your simple organic molecules, pure, good science. So fresh, that I can swear it's still wiggling around in my hands! This is the simplest form of refined biogoo, and will make your tier 2 medical items.

    [​IMG] - Advance Chemicals
    Yeah, you see that jar of red stuff that looks suspiciously like a recolored Simple Chemicals? When you see that, play time is over. Advance Chemicals are the top tier stuff, filled with all sorts of.... science. This makes the top-notch tier 3 medical items.

    4. Consumables
    This is where it gets even more interesting.
    *science intensifies.*

    [​IMG] - Salve
    All right, this is your basic "shove goo in a bowl and smoother it on your wounds" sort of deal. A straight, instant 30 HP, so move along, nothing to see here.

    [​IMG] - Nutrient Compound
    Have you ever wanted to eat dirt? Well, I hope this concoction o' chems and plant fibre will suffice. This will make your throat muscles toned from equal parts nutrition, and the work out they will get from choking this down. It provides a sweet 50 food and 20 energy instantly though.

    [​IMG] - Pink Stimpack
    Ah, the first real healing item, since no one likes salve, and also the only healing item currently in tier 2. The pink stimpack delivers just as much healing power as the red, in half the time, and two payments of $9.99!

    [​IMG] - Biofoam
    Sort of an upgraded bandage. A realllyy upgraded bandage. Introducing you to the tier 3 medicines, this can heals a neat 100 HP over 4 seconds. Don't expect the can to come easy though.

    [​IMG] -White Simpack
    Following up biofoam comes the white stimpack, another tier 3 medicine. Made from children's dreams and unicorn horns, this is a neat miracle of your science. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back, you did well, making a stim that heals 170 health over 15 seconds.

    [​IMG] -Experimental Nanite
    Well... Umm... the machine only works with organic stuff, so noooo idea how this ended up here. It seems to be the forefront of medical technology, healing at a rate of 3 HP per second... for 100 seconds.

    Here is the royal sheet, for everyone who wants it, considering you can just look at the science machine, but hey, I won't judge.

    Science Station
    Titanium Bar x 10
    Diamond x 5
    Pixels x 2000
    Crafted at Robotic Crafting Table

    Poragon's Coat
    *For all those who have read up to this point, this is for you. My coat that I created because I missed it from another game.
    Pixels x 2000
    Crafted anywhere

    Poragon's Pants
    Pixels x 2000
    Crafted anywhere

    Plant Fibre x 1
    Cell Materia x 1
    Pixels x 200
    Crafted at Science Station

    Simple Chemicals
    Biogoo x 3
    Monster Plating x 1
    Crafted at Science Station

    Advance Chemicals
    Simple Chemicals x 1
    Cell Matter x 3
    Crafted at Science Station

    Biogoo x 1
    Red Petal x 1
    Pixels x 300
    Crafted at Science Station

    Pink Stimpack
    Red Stimpack x 1
    Simple Chemicals x 1
    Crafted at Science Station

    Nutrient Compound
    Plant Fibre x 30
    Simple Chemicals x 1
    Crafted at Science Station

    Simple Chemicals x 1
    Advance Chemicals x 1
    Biogoo x 1
    Crafted at Science Station

    White Stimpack
    Pink Stimpack x 1
    Advance Chemicals x 1
    Crafted at Science Station

    Experimental Nanites
    Advance Chemicals x 2
    Circuit Board x 3
    Cell Matter x 1
    Crafted at Science Station

    And there ya have it!

    6. Installation
    To install medicinal science, simply download the file in the post, and unzip it into your mod folder.
    Welp, cya round' peeps. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to give me a message.

    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
    Starbound playa and ukbajwa10 like this.