Added panic augment.
Changed Pelagic Subterrane parallax.
Changed tea sprites.
Slight bounty dialog changes.
Changed slurry shafts parallax.
Added gliding when nuu are falling, empty handed, and running. I'm not sure about this, so if you guys think this is annoying or something tell me.
Removed "permanent_wartime_economy" hairstyle. It was originally meant as a joke but I was too lazy and forgot to remove it afterwards.
Some underground biomes now have decorative pots instead of protectorate capsules, I hope it makes them look nicer for you.
Bioindustrial terrain generation changed a bit to fix a problem with dungeon generation, one which has been around for far too long.
Tall islands terrain generation split into cave tall islands and normal tall islands. Cave tall islands is slightly different. Also lowered island depth for both to I hope prevent the issue where trees or hylotl houses very rarely generate on the seafloor.
Fixed idiot pangolin helmet generation bug.
For some stupid reason a few microdungeons were left disabled and I forgot to turn them back on. So long have they been off I completely forgot they existed until now.
Disabled patches that add "ore seams" and certain nuu microdungeons to vanilla biomes.
Added snow biome microdungeons to Gelid Grotto biome.
Changed nuu guard equipment and cosmetic armors.
Changed bioindustrial threat range from 3-4 to 4-4.
Shredroot growth time raised from 100-150 to 200-250 units per stage.
Pelletfern growth time reduced from 570-630 to 470-530 units per stage.
Changed spelling mistake in a codex, though this is cold comfort because all the codices are still bad and out of date.
Extended the tooltip for some items that overflowed before.
Shortened the item description for dormant biotes.
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Maple 32 1.4.4
Kitchen sink mod, exploration focus, equipment, species.