You might want to try and find one of those doors again.
A new set of weapons awaits you!
This should seem familiar. Your answers will determine what kind of weapon you receive, and keep in mind you can only choose one path!
(unless you find yet another door of course)
There are also several new gears which can be crafted with any of the new Keyblades to create their elemental versions, which are a little stronger to boot. All the recipes can be found at any MogShop.
Also, a new quest has been found in Traverse Town, and the reward is something fun. Make sure to go check that out.
The tech scientist and the appropriate machine have also been added. This is part of the in progress work to make it more convenient to go to Traverse Town in general, especially during early game.
Also, since I forgot to include them last time here are some useful commands should you need them:
/warp instanceworld:chooseYourPath
/warp instanceworld:traversetown
/startquest '"traverseheartless1"'
/spawnitem khtraveldoor
/spawnitem basekey
/spawnitem portablemog
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Kingdom Hearts Keyblades 1.3
Adds new weapons, enemies, and worlds