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Outdated Kamen Rider OOO 1.5 | Enraged Koala

Taka, Tora, Batta! Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba!

  1. KingKaor
    Version: 1.5 | Enraged Koala
    I freaking love this mod. Each piece looks authentic to the show (well, as much as can be with the limitations of the graphics), and the abilities given by the pieces are neat. Although I kinda wish that the blue Core Medal pieces gave you waterbreathing or something like that.

    My only problem is that they're too easy to get. 9 Fabric for gear that's better than everything bar Tier 7 and 8 armor makes the game super unbalanced. It would have been slightly better if the ones made for Fabric were only vanity items that gave no stats at all, and the actual armors were crafted later on.

    Regardless, I really love it, and all of the other Tokusatsu mods you have. You should totally make some more Toku-themed mods, though. If you do, I suggest either Gokaiger (to go along with the Treanger Box mod), or Kamen Rider Drive. If you do Drive, you could have the wheels be items that go on the back of the player, and each one has different stats and stuff!
  2. specktre
    Version: 1.3 | Furious Koala
    A mod for one of my favorite games featuring my favorite Kamen Rider series. Perfect.
  3. jwb1239
    Version: 1.2 | Angry Koala
    I would like to thank you for making these mods. I hope you continue to update these mods. I wish i could help you make these but sadly i cannot the most i can do is give you ideas if you wanted , and suggestions and hope it helps you with your decision. Maybe when you are done you could add kamen rider birth later on and the medajalibur and the medagabryu thanks again for the mod and best of luck in the future.
  4. Grupletruge
    Version: 1.2 | Angry Koala
    Words cannot describe.