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Outdated Just Let Me Throw A Barrel At It! version 1.1

Craftable throwing weapons and explosives with progession!

  1. PartyAlarm
    Adds two crafting benches that allow you to craft several throwing weapons and explosives! Most are re-balanced default items, two are new.

    Current item list from T1-T10:

    Throwing Dagger
    Throwing Spear
    Throwing Needle
    Throwing Star
    Hand Grenade
    Gas Grenade
    Throwing Axe
    Throwing Kunai
    Throwing Knife
    Shock Dart <- New!
    Plasma Knife <- New!
    Plasma Grenade

    Future plans: More throwing weapons, like barrels! And snakes maybe? Who knows!

    Several default throwing weapons have been modified with this mod. As such, I have edited the appropriate .treasurepools files to keep out of depth items from spawning as loot. If you have another mod installed or are installing another mod that also changes these files, there will be a compatability issue. You can either delete the .treasurepools files in this folder and deal with a chance of getting some out of depth items, see if myself or someone else has made a compatability patch, or edit the .treasurepools files yourself. It's really easy!

    In time I will probably make the crafted weapons unique, especially as more fun ones get added!

    Feel free to use any of my stuff anywhere for any reason, including the assets.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
    Starbound playa and Ax.448 like this.

Recent Updates

  1. Throwing Brick, and recipe fixes

Recent Reviews

  1. numbereightyfour
    Version: 1.0
    I'd give you an extra star for the Freakazoid reference if it was possible. At least accept five stars for the great mod.
  2. sayter
    Version: 1.0
    My bad. Jumped the gun :) Good product thus far.